Express 4d Simulation on Autodesk Revit Models with Dynamo

Transform your planning skills and visibility combined with Revit, Navisworks and Dynamo

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Express 4d Simulation on Autodesk Revit Models with Dynamo

What You Will Learn!

  • How to create construction simulations using Navisworks Manage
  • How to Use Dynamo to control element appearance with custom Nodes for Navisworks
  • Create Construction Simulations by Blocks of Files for multiple integration of results
  • Create Express Simulations For Any File


This course it’s designed to create express 4d simulations with Navisworks using Dynamo routines and custom nodes, so that 4d simulation can be solved really quickly and with element by element detail.

This course complements with BIM 4D Simulations Revit, Dynamo, Navisworks & Max 2018 and also with BIM Revit 2019 Models Tracking and Site Control so that time can be a clear asset used on projects for development.

This course would also link with the Value Engineering that its on progress.

We will start with a general overview of Dynamo elements, and would jump as fast as possible to creating configuration of elements to set grouping time and parameters to work.

Then we will export elements to Navisworks to see different results and to manage how we can change time in order to test possibilities of things to happen.

This course it’s part of a new series of developments towards bringing Dynamo as main platform tool on BIM processes for any type of project.

We will explore custom nodes for specific approaches so that your own toolkit can be created, tools for Revit Modeling, Tools for Dynamo Programming and Mixed Tools for other workflows

Dynamo its been used all over the world for speeding up Revit Models, Enabling impossible modeling, Project Management, QTOS and Documents, and to set around workflows between different types.

Unravel your full potential for Modeling and Programming and enjoy at any time the freedom of possibilities to make technology work the way you need it to.

Take advantage of posting questions, and join on all channels to be UpToDate for all the amazing possibilities that in any time can transform your way of working, to change it forever

Who Should Attend!

  • Builders, Engineers, Constructors, and Architects that want to create simulations on more than just a relationship with plain tasks
  • Constructors, Engineers and Architects that had taken the Navisworks course but want to get closer to a 4d BIM estimation.
  • Designers who want to blow up their clients expectation using simulation of construction as part of a show up.



  • Revit
  • Navisworks
  • Autodesk
  • Dynamo BIM






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