What Happens to you After you Die?

An introduction to the Spirit World as was channelled from the other side

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What Happens to you After you Die?

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand what happens to your soul after you die- the transitioning from a Human to a Spirit
  • Understand what your life's purpose is
  • Stop fearing Death
  • Understand what God is
  • Understand what Ghosts are


This course summaries numerous conversations between my friend and a spirit. These sessions began on a more personal level and overtime a very specific picture about life and death began to emerge.

This course may open a door for you into a whole new world of existence and might dissolve the fear of death from your life.

This course will answer some interesting questions such as:

What happens after you die?

Does Heaven exist?

Does Hell exist?

How is life in Heaven?

What is our purpose on earth?

What happens to "bad people" after they die?

Does prayer work?

Who or what is God?

What are ghosts exactly?

How are extraterrestrial beings connected to all of this?

And much more.

Warning: We are here because we were sent here from another world. Realize that death is a transition to a diffrenet experience, back to that world. You are here, considering this course, becuase the Angels that sent you here are interested in you watching it. So don't let them down. They are trying to help you. Progress for you is here. Death is not something to fear.

This world is filled with opportunities for growth and self-development, this is one of them. I am your guide on this path you were sent to. Tread carefully.

Who Should Attend!

  • If you lost someone close
  • If you are afraid of death
  • If you are curious about the meaning of life
  • If you are curious about Spiritualism



  • Self-Acceptance
  • Self-Awareness
  • Spirituality






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