Warehouse Management in Logistics & Supply Chain

Warehouse Management, Supply Chain, Logistics, Inventory Management, Warehouse Equipment

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Warehouse Management in Logistics & Supply Chain

What You Will Learn!

  • Define Supply Chain and Supply Chain Management
  • Define Logistics and Logistics Management
  • Define Transportation and Transportation Management
  • Define Shipping and INCO Terms
  • Define the role of Supply Chain Managers, Logistics Managers and Warehouse Managers
  • Understand 3rd Party and 4th Party Logistics Providers
  • Understand Distribution Centers, Fulfilment Centers and Micro Fulfilment Centers
  • Understand Public Warehousing, Private Warehousing and Bonded Warehousing
  • Understand the different Warehouse Ambiences & Temperature Requirements
  • Understand the Warehouse Infrastructure and components
  • Understand best practices in Warehouse design
  • Understand the different Racking systems inside a warehouse
  • Gain a deep understanding on Warehouse Automation and Robotics
  • Define the different Warehouse Layouts & Designs
  • Understand Warehouse Material Handling Equipment and Vehicles
  • Insights into Warehouse Safety Best Practices
  • Understand Data Capturing Technologies like Barcode Scanners and RFID's
  • Understand the difference between 1D and 2D Barcode Symbologies
  • Understand the Warehouse Inbound Cycle (Receiving, Putaway, Quality Control)
  • Understand Warehouse Inventory Management best Practices
  • Understand the Warehouse Outbound Cycle (Order Management, Picking, Loading ,Shipping)
  • Understand the role of a Warehouse Management System


Step into the dynamic realm of Warehouse Management with open arms! I'm your guide through this thrilling adventure into the intricacies of supply chain management. Get ready to unravel the mysteries of logistics, transportation, and, of course, the beating heart of it all—warehouse management.

Together, we'll embark on a journey to understand the vital roles of freight forwarding and shipping, and why warehousing is the unsung hero of supply chain management. We'll delve into the diverse world of warehouses, distribution centers, and fulfillment centers, shedding light on their indispensable contributions to the supply chain.

But that's not all—we'll explore the nuances of warehouse temperatures, dissect design layouts, and uncover the secrets of pallet and non-pallet storage systems. Safety takes center stage as we discuss how to maintain a warehouse environment that's not just efficient but also secure.

Ever wondered about the magic behind Automated Identification and Data Capture (AIDC)? We'll demystify it and show you how warehouse automation can supercharge efficiency and productivity. And don't worry; we won't forget the nitty-gritty details of warehouse inbound and outbound processes, inventory management, and the wizardry of warehouse management systems.

As your enthusiastic instructor, I can't wait to share my knowledge and expertise with you. Brace yourself for an immersive learning experience that's not just informative but downright exciting. Get ready to dive deep into the world of supply chain and warehouse management—let's make this journey together!

Catch you at the starting line!

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone wanting to expand their knowledge about Warehouse Management and Warehouse Automation



  • Automation
  • Supply Chain
  • Logistics Management
  • Warehouse Management






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