How to Vlog Like a Pro in 90 Minutes

From shooting on an iPhone, to editing, you'll learn everything you need to vlog like a pro.

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How to Vlog Like a Pro in 90 Minutes

What You Will Learn!

  • Basics of video production
  • Basics of video editing
  • Color Correcting video
  • Storytelling through video
  • How to compose a shot
  • How to record quality audio indoors and outdoors


What really makes some videos look and sound so much better than others?

Everyone knows how to record a video, but very few know how to create attention-grabbing, beautiful videos. In this course, you'll learn lots of little tips and tricks that professionals use, and when they are all used together, they create stunning results. I teach from the very basics of shooting on an iPhone to a higher-end camera. You'll also learn how to edit your videos on an easy yet powerful video editing app.

Don't have hours to spend learning?

Videography doesn't have to be so technical and difficult to learn. I've purposely tried to make this course as simple and short as possible so you can get started creating sooner. Most of what you'll learn are principles that don't change with technology, so you don't have to worry about this information going out of date. Also, you don't need really expensive professional gear to create amazing videos. I'll show you how you can maximize what you already have, and what gear actually makes the most difference.

Here are a few things you'll learn

- The best settings for your camera

- How to compose an image

- How to tell a story that captures and keeps people's attention

- Necessary camera and audio gear

- How to edit your video from beginning to end

Who is the course for?

- Youtube Vloggers

- Social Media Influencers

- Entrepreneurs

Let’s get started!

Who Should Attend!

  • Vloggers
  • Content Creators
  • Social Media Managers
  • Influencers



  • Vlogging






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