Visceral Abdominal Massage Certificate Course

Learn how Visceral Abdominal Massage can help with pelvic floor, shoulder pain, digestive issues and much more (2 CEUs)

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Visceral Abdominal Massage Certificate Course

What You Will Learn!

  • Will learn how to assess the abdominal area for any restrictions that could be causing issues elsewhere
  • Learn techniques for all the organs including the diaphragm, liver, gallbladder and bladder
  • Become a specialist for people who have pelvic pain, constipation, digestive issues and more
  • Learn the anatomy and physiology of the organs as it relates to local and global pain within the body


In this massage course, Mike Everson, Manual Osteopath, Registered Massage Therapist and Yoga Teacher is going to guide you through how to deliver visceral abdominal massage. Visceral abdominal massage is traditionally done by osteopaths but can easily be done by any manual therapy practitioner as a way to treat abdominal pain, constipation, back pain, pelvic pain, and much more.

Visceral abdominal massage is a gentle, hands-on therapy used to help your internal organs (viscera) glide smoothly within your body. Your internal organs are surrounded by connective tissue that holds them in place in the body. Healthy connective tissue should move easily to allow organs to slide on each other when you flex or rotate your torso.

Adhered or inflamed connective tissue impedes small but significant movements. This creates visceral discomfort and dysfunction which can lead to restricted movement and pain in other parts of the body. Other things like underlying conditions, post-surgical adhesions and infections can also cause abdominal restrictions and referral pain.   

This course is perfect for therapists looking to have a complete understanding of the human body, knowing how the health of the organs can effect pain all over the body and also how to treat that pain is essential for any manual therapist to know to be as effective and helpful as possible. 

You can study and complete this entire course in the comfort of your own home with lifetime access to the videos in case you need to go back, review and re-inspire yourself!

In this course you are going to learn:

> How to assess the abdominal area for any restrictions that could be causing issues elsewhere

> Learn techniques for all the organs including the diaphragm, liver, gallbladder and bladder etc.

> Become a specialist for people who have pelvic pain, constipation, digestive issues and much more

> Learn the anatomy and physiology of the organs as it relates to local and global pain within the body

Enroll now! Grow your knowledge base and practice today!

*Accredited for 2 CEUs through the NCBTMB

Who Should Attend!

  • Massage Therapists
  • Osteopaths
  • Physiotherapists
  • Chiropractors
  • Naturopaths
  • Herbalists



  • Abdominal Massage






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