Universal Laws Life Coach Certification (Law of Attraction)

Advanced Life Coach Training in Universal Laws, Spirituality, Abundance, Manifestation and Law of Attraction (LOA)

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Universal Laws Life Coach Certification (Law of Attraction)

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand and apply each of the 12 Universal Laws (and manifestation and law of attraction) to daily life.
  • Consciously shift and align your thoughts, emotions, energy, and actions to attract your desired reality.
  • Raise your vibrational frequency and manifest positive experiences in your life.
  • Take responsibility for your thoughts, choices, and actions.
  • Foster compassion and harmonious relationships by cultivating a sense of unity and interconnectedness.
  • Attract abundance and prosperity by embracing a mindset of giving and receiving.
  • The Law of Correspondence and how to transform your inner state to manifest positive external circumstances.
  • Embrace the cyclical nature of life, gracefully adapting to change and finding harmony and balance
  • Transcend limitations and keep moving forward in personal growth and evolution using manifestation and law of attraction principles..
  • Align with your life purpose, unlocking your full potential and living a purpose-driven life.


Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy.


This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 20 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 20 CPD/CEU credits will be provided at the end of the course.


We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 700,000+ happy students from 200 countries.

We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.

The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group. 


Welcome to a transformative experience unlike any other—the Universal Laws Life Coaching Certification Course. Prepare to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where you will unlock the secrets of the universe and revolutionize your life.

In this advanced LOA certification course, you will gain a deep understanding of the 12 Universal Laws and learn how to apply them practically in your daily life. You’ll become a certified life coach who possesses the remarkable ability to guide others toward success and fulfillment.

By harnessing the Law of Attraction, you’ll learn how to attract one’s heart’s desires effortlessly. You’ll become an expert at aligning thoughts, emotions, and actions, creating a magnetic force that attracts abundance and joy.

By tapping into the Law of Vibration, you’ll discover the metamorphic power of raising one’s energetic frequency to a level that resonates with their dreams and paves the way for incredible manifestations.

You’ll learn to empower yourself and others through the Law of Cause and Effect. By gaining a deep understanding of the ripple effects of your thoughts, choices, and actions, you’ll learn how to successfully create a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

Then, you’ll immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of the Law of Divine Oneness, recognizing your interconnectedness with the world around you. Cultivate compassion, nurture harmonious relationships, and experience a profound sense of unity.

Prepare to manifest abundance and prosperity with the Law of Compensation. You’ll discover the power of giving and receiving, tapping into the boundless flow of abundance that eagerly awaits you and your future clients.

The Law of Polarity will show you how to embrace challenges, find balance, and navigate the ebb and flow of life by using contrasting experiences as catalysts for personal growth and transformation.

Witness the transformational power of the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy. By learning to shift thoughts, emotions, and energy, you’ll start witnessing your dreams and desires materialize before your eyes.

Unlock the Law of Correspondence and transform your inner world to manifest your desired external reality. Take command of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, creating a life of fulfillment.

Once you arrive at the Law of Rhythm, you’ll learn how to embrace the rhythm of life, gracefully flowing through cycles and changes, adapting with ease, and finding harmony in every season.

Lastly, reveal your true potential with the Law of Transcendence. Learn to rise above limitations, expand your consciousness, and embark on a journey of growth and evolution.

Enroll today in the Universal Laws Life Coaching Certification Course and unlock the infinite possibilities that await you. Together, let's create a world where dreams become reality and where we harness the power of the universe to manifest a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.


This Universal Laws Life Coach Certification course is brought to you by Transformation Academy and taught by spiritual life and health coach Sanda Kruger. Sanda has more than 15 years of experience in business and personal development as an entrepreneur, retreat facilitator, speaker, author and the creator of two original fitness programs, BellyCore® Fitness and AquaCor®. She has delivered captivating talks and workshops on the universal laws and the power of the human mind at events worldwide and is excited to be sharing those same teachings in this course, including the spiritual and holistic understanding of the underlying principles that govern harmony, personal peace, success, abundance, and personal growth.

Who Should Attend!

  • Current or aspiring life coach seeking to enhance your understanding of the 12 Univeral Laws, manifestation and law of attraction.
  • Personal development enthusiast and law of attraction aficionados , actively on a journey to improve your life
  • Spiritual seeker interested in exploring how the Universal Laws are significant in spiritual development
  • Yoga instructor, meditation teacher, or other wellness professional aiming to enhance their wellness programs
  • Business or leadership coaching wanting to guide clients towards greater success
  • Educator committed to nurturing students’ growth through holistic education
  • Motivational speaker interested in expanding their wisdom to motivate their audience
  • Therapist or counselor eager to deepen your understanding of the human mind
  • Human resource professional seeking tools to support employee development, workplace dynamics and foster a positive organizational culture
  • An individual wanting to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and create personal transformation




