Kickstarter & Indiegogo Hacks for Raising Millions 2024

10x your campaign and learn the latest tactics that most funded Kickstarter projects use to raise Millions

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Kickstarter & Indiegogo Hacks for Raising Millions 2024

What You Will Learn!

  • How to Get Qualified Leads that Convert to Backers With 90%
  • A better way to charge for shipping
  • Calculate the number of emails you need before launching the campaign
  • To set up your reward structure for the best performance
  • Track conversions with Facebook pixel
  • The best day and time to launch your campaign


Want to learn the tactics that top Kickstarter campaigns use to raise Millions?

If so, this class is for you!

I've helped raise over 35 Million USD and you can learn from my experience!

Whether you’re a seasoned crowdfunder or you are just starting these simple tactics will help you with your fundraising and increase your campaign success.

These 7 lesser-known tactics are quite easy to implement but make a high impact on your crowdfunding campaign. Most of these tactics can also be applied to other crowdfunding platforms like Indiegogo, GoFundMe, and Crowdfunder...


"The course is absolute GOLD. I don’t have a background in marketing and would never have thought of many of these things. Nor would I have been brave enough to think that my idea was good enough for crowdfunding, until the grizzly lifestyle I thought I’d get the course and it would confirm crowdfunding was not for me, how wrong I was! Very grateful for the course. Thank you for your hard work." 
Leonard Scott (5 stars)

"Awesome course! Awesome teacher! Well structured, lots of examples and very well explained."
Michelle Harrigan (5 stars)

"Very informative, experiences generously shared, great help for the beginners in crowdfunding."
Vito Komac (5 stars)


I've been in crowdfunding since 2013 when I launched my first successful campaign. Since then I've directly helped over 70 projects raise over 7 million USD. I'm also the founder of the largest regional crowdfunding community officially partnered with Kickstarter. I also regularly lecture at local and international conferences and events.


  • How to Get Qualified Leads that Convert to Backers With 90%
    I’ll show you how to create a lead-generating funnel that not only increases the conversion at the time of your campaign but even pays for itself.

  • A “Secret” Backer Email Formula
    Everyone always asks me how can I make sure that my launch will be a success. Well, the answer is in this simple formula. It will tell you how many emails you need before the campaign launch.

  • A Better Way to Charge for Shipping
    The way you charge for shipping can impact how many backers you get. We’ll take a look at two different methods for manipulating shipping so your backers will happily pay for it.

  • Achieve the Ultimate FOMO With this Rewards Trick
    Creating rewards can be difficult. Make them too expensive and you’ll be losing sales. Make them too affordable and you’ll be leaving money on the table. I’ll show you a psychological trick so you get the best of both worlds.

  • How to Track Untrackable Facebook Conversions on Kickstarter
    There is no way to add a Facebook tracking pixel on your Kickstarter page. This means you won’t be able to track conversions and optimize your ads. But what if I tell you there is a way to do just that?

  • In-Depth Market and Competitor Research
    How to do market research that will make creating your course a breeze. Learn from your competitors and leverage their connections as your own.

  • 6 Most Important Marketing Channels to Use Before and During Your Campaign
    Which channels to use to maximize your reach while keeping the costs down?

  • Extra
    As an extra, I’ll tell you when is the best time to launch your crowdfunding campaign for maximum exposure and engagement.


By the end of this class, you’ll have the knowledge and action steps to take your Kickstarter campaign to the next level!

A fair warning though. This class is not for you if you don’t know the basic concepts of crowdfunding you should check out dr. Angela Yu class on how to prepare the whole campaign from scratch. This class builds upon Angela Yu class and gives you some extra tactics that will extend your knowledge.

That being said let’s kick it off!

Who Should Attend!

  • Creators, inventors, and hobbyists preparing to launch their projects on a crowdfunding platform.
  • Companies that do in-house RND are also interested in testing the market for their new products.
  • Individuals trying to improve their crowdfunding knowledge.



  • Crowdfunding
  • Indiegogo
  • Kickstarter






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