The Living Kosmos Mystery School presents a series of lectures and transmissions on topics in consciousness studies. Join Matt Sturm to explore our cutting-edge understanding of how consciousness works, how it interconnects with science and spirituality, and how to grow - both personally and on your path of realization - through these topics.
Part I: States of Consciousness (lecture & guided meditation)
Part II: Paradigms of Consciousness
Part III: Archetypes and the Self
Part IV: The Western Mysteries
Exploring how consciousness works is the most direct way to expand your consciousness. In this series we will examine consciousness through the lenses of spiritual practices, integral theory, psychology, the archetypes, and western mysticism.
Is this for me?
You are curious about inner-growth, spirituality, personal development, mysticism, and understanding "who am I"
You have an open mind and an open heart
You are interested in a modern Western approach to spiritual practices that are not tied to any specific tradition
No prior experience or training is necessary
You are invited to step into a self-worldview that is vital, alive, evolving and inter-connected!
This is an invitation to experience living beyond dualism, beyond materialism, and beyond secularism. We recognize that the universe isn’t simply out there, but that it’s also in here… which is to say, we are an embodiment of the living, breathing, creative, growing universe – the kosmos in its process of becoming. Welcome!