The Science of Body-Mind-Spirit

Feel GREAT INSTANTLY, by connecting biology of your BODY, neurology of your MIND, and chemistry of your SPIRIT (breath)

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The Science of Body-Mind-Spirit

What You Will Learn!

  • Define Body-Mind-Spirit in practical scientific terms.
  • Apply Healthy Posture & Movement Mechanics to Support the Biology of the BODY.
  • Use Mindful Intention & Positive Affirmation to Improve the Neurology of the MIND.
  • Breathe Deep Focused Breath to Change the Chemistry of Your SPIRIT.
  • Practice Body-Mind-Spirit Science to Increase ENERGY.
  • ACHIEVE INSTANT WELLNESS with Body-Mind-Spirit Medicine.


We hear the catch-phrase "body-mind-spirit" everywhere. We know it is connected to optimal health and wellness, but HOW?  Do we REALLY understand what it means on a practical every day level? More often than not, these terms evoke a sense of spirituality and esoteric wisdoms that make you feel like your head is floating up in the clouds. Many people shy away from yoga and other forms of alternative healing simply because the concept of body-mind-spirit seems too “woo woo.” 

This course defines Body-Mind-Spirit in simple and practical terms by going back to basic grade-school science class and remembering about the body’s basic functions. We will explore the:

  • BIOLOGY of the BODY in your bones, muscles, blood and breath.
  • NEUROLOGY of the MIND in your electrical impulses along nerve pathways.
  • CHEMISTRY of the SPIRIT in your ever-changing moods and hormones.

Once you understand how body-mind-spirit works as a science, you can work it as a medicine to achieve INSTANT WELLNESS. When you put your BODY into alignment, focus and clarify your thoughts in your MIND, and breathe from your SPIRIT, everything, absolutely EVERYTHING in life works better. Your body works better, your mind thinks clearer, and your mood feels happier. You will leave this class with an understanding of Body-Mind-Spirit as simple and practical science that you can apply to your everyday!

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who has dabbled in Yoga, Reiki, Healing Touch, Tai Chi, QiGong, BioFeedback, Chiropractics, Energy Healing, and other Body-Mind-Spirit Healing Modalities.
  • Energetics Enthusiasts. If you are someone who enjoys alternative forms of healing and wellness such as acupuncture, chiropractics, yoga, tai chi, qigong, reiki, and more, this class gives you a whole new perspective.
  • Energy Healers. Whether you practice Reiki, Healing Touch, BioFeedback or another form of energy healing, this course illustrates the science behind the healing in easy to understand language.
  • Alternative Health Care Providers. As a chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist, or other alternative health care provider, this course helps you explain to your patients WHY you keep telling them to stretch and try yoga.
  • Fitness Professionals. If you are a personal trainer, fitness instructor, or sports coach trying to get your athletes to cross-train with yoga this class give you the scientific language to make the ancient teachings of yoga accessible to your clientele.
  • Mindfulness Teachers. If you teach mindfulness or meditation techniques, this course offers simple language to ground your teachings in science.
  • Mental Health Professionals. If you know your clients would benefit from yoga this course explains how yoga works from a practical and scientific perspective. This course may also help you understand what is going on inside your client’s brains and bodies when they feel out of control.
  • Yoga Teachers. This course will help you understand how to reach those students who are skeptical of the spiritual woo-woo of yoga by using practical scientific terms.
  • Yoga Students. Whether you are new to yoga or have worn out more than your share of mats, this course offers a unique perspective to the ancient practice.
  • Body-Mind-Spirit. If traditional medicine has failed you, and you are hesitant to try alternative healing, this course helps you bridge the gap between science and spirit.



  • Mind-Body Connection
  • Health
  • Mindfulness
  • Spirituality






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