The 2023 Complete Guide To Volleyball, From Zero To Hero

For the price of one private lesson, this course teaches you every technique in volleyball. Become a master, today

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The 2023 Complete Guide To Volleyball, From Zero To Hero

What You Will Learn!

  • Every technique in volleyball, like
  • Various attacking techniques
  • Using your platform to pass, bump set, receive and defend
  • Everything about blocking
  • Using your hands to set, back set and jump set
  • Libero-like defending skills
  • Every type of serve


This course is an all-encompassing program in which you will learn everything about volleyball, from basic passing to accurately placing your jump-serve.


You will develop proper technique for virtually every skill in volleyball. For each, there is a comprehensive tutorial that teaches you everything you need, like

  • body orientation

  • stance

  • hand position

  • point of contact

  • movement

  • variations

  • when to employ it

and much more. All tutorials are very detailed, easy to understand and adaptable to various playing situations. Demonstrations from various angles, in slow motion, and with different speeds and adaptations will help you to replicate them easily.

To set this advice into practice, every technique comes with

  • a video with 4-8 exercises to train on your own and

  • a video with drills, you can do together with a partner.

They all start with the simplest version of the techniques, so that you develop perfect form from the get-go. You then progress with game like drills that come up regularly in play. Finally, there are one or two very tough exercises, to consolidate your skills for every situation.

What doesn't this course teach me?

There are no exercises for teams of more than two players. This course is specifically made that you, and your friend, can progress as fast as possible.

Tactics. There are no videos about in game transitions, playing systems with specializations or any further tactical elements. The basic strategy however, is outlined, so you'll learn how the game is played on a professional level.


The drills are designed so that you don't need any special equipment, you wouldn't have lying around at home anyway.

Time requirement

If your schedule is entirely empty, you can go through the whole course within a week. If you only have one hour per week to train, you can take yourself 6 months. As long as you keep a consistent rhythm, you can go with whatever pace fits your current lifestyle.

The best thing is, you don't have to figure out anything yourself. Everything is wonderfully laid out for you. So if you are ready to take your game to the next level, do so.

Who Should Attend!

  • Everyone who wants to progress in volleyball, from absolute beginner to advanced athlete



  • Sports Coaching






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