Taxability of Income from Salary in India (Hindi/Urdu)

Calculation and Filing Income Tax Return under the head Salary (Hindi/Urdu Language)

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Taxability of Income from Salary in India (Hindi/Urdu)

What You Will Learn!

  • Calculation of Taxable Income and Filing of Income Tax Return under the head Salary (Hindi/Urdu)
  • Analyzing TDS, Form 16, Form 26AS and AIS/TIS (Hindi/Urdu)
  • Have an idea about deductions available from Gross Total Income (Hindi/Urdu)
  • Calculation of Tax with Old Scheme and New Scheme (Hindi/Urdu)
  • Calculation and Filing Form 10E for Arrears of Salary (Hindi/Urdu)


I have made this course for the intention that each salaried person resident in India or citizen of India should know their rights and responsibilities under The Income Tax Act 1961 (as per Indian Law). Taxation under the the head salary is part of syllabus of B. Com, B. Voc. CA, CMA, CS and Management courses. Also each and every person belonging to any fraternity if in the employment or having business or profession making salaries to his/her employees must understand the responsibilities regarding TDS and deductions. I have tried to cover some basic issues like analyzing form 16, Form 26AS, salary received in arrears, tax deducted at source, annual information statement and taxpayer information summary. There are many types of deductions available for a taxpayer which should be known to him so that he can take benefits of all such deduction which are applies to him. I have tried to educate students how to use Income Tax Calculator for the purpose of calculation income tax rather going for manual calculation although I have taught manual calculation of income tax for basic understanding purpose. With this course I have prepared pdf notes of all essential topics so that one can take it for future reference.

Who Should Attend!

  • A person who want to start his carrier in filing income tax return.
  • Any person who would like to file his own Income Tax Return under Salary head.
  • Students of commerce like B. Com, B. Voc, Management, CA/CMA/CWA would also be benefitted.
  • The course is made for employees as well as employers.



  • Tax Preparation






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