Hi, I'm David Daddario. I made this course especially for beginner and intermediate singers who want to level up their overall singing ability.
I truly believe that the exercises in this course and the way they've been programmed can work for your voice if you just put enough time into them.
These are the time-tested exercises that have been working for thousands of singers around the world for so many years.
And I have personally put a lot of time in programming them for my students in the past seven years of teaching. So it's obvious why I believe in their practicality.
They're the ultimate way for fixing most vocal problems like breaking into falsetto, not being able to sing as high as one can, not having a pleasant tone and many more.
But is it enough to just give you seven exercises and expect that they fix everything for you? No, of course, that's not enough.
For instance, if you do hundreds of push-ups for months, but you do them the wrong way, not only you won't be able to build muscles but you’ll injure yourself too.
And because of this reason, I made detailed demonstrations of each exercise so that you learn the exact proper way of doing them.
But there's still some problems. My experience taught me that for most students showing only the right demonstrations is not always enough. That wasn't enough for me at first either.
And because of this, I demonstrated the wrong approaches you might take with performing the exercises. So that both of us can make sure you're going to be on the right path to singing success.
The other thing that I paid a lot of attention during the production of the course was the bad singing habits that block many singers' path to success. Bad habits such as yelling in high notes, extreme raised-larynx position, and…
I tried to explain most of them during the demonstrations so that you learn these bad singing habits. And if you have them, you could be able to recognize and eliminate them and free up your voice from any possible damage.
I tried my best to keep everything short and practical so that you can watch the whole course at once and start practicing.
I made the MP3 files for each exercise so that you can practice them with more ease. Also, each exercise contains two different files; for male and female. So you don't have to worry about any range issue while doing the exercises.
I hope that this course could provide you with some value that can help you with your singing journey.