Coding for kids : Learn Scratch, Python, Robotics, Html Css

Be a Technology Creator! Program Games, 3D Design, Animations, Websites, Electronic Circuits, Calculator, Number series

Ratings 4.54 / 5.00
Coding for kids : Learn Scratch, Python, Robotics, Html Css

What You Will Learn!

  • Master various Programming concepts with ease & fun and apply them on more than 10 software
  • Create interactive applications like Quiz systems & Calculators using Scratch programming
  • Construct 3 - Learn the Professional Game Engine and build real interactive games - like platformer & Tank Fights
  • Create applications to build 2D / 3D Shapes & Patterns through Programming
  • Build very interesting Games using Scratch
  • Create Animations & Stories using simple programming concepts
  • Python : Build various shapes using Turtle graphics
  • Build numerous mathematical applications with advanced Python Programming like Student Grades Calculator, number series etc.
  • Create a website using HTML coding & style the website using CSS concepts
  • Build & Design a Website using Wordpress
  • Take your website live for free, use various themes & plugins for Wordpress
  • Learn Circuit Building - LED's Motors, Sensors, Robots
  • Program Electronics Chips - Arduino, Chibichip


Coding Megacourse : 9 courses in 1

# this course is developed with more than 8 years of extensive work in the field of STEM training. I have trained students of various age groups. I have incorporated all my learnings in the teaching methodology in this course, to make it fun, easy & result oriented. Carefully designed curriculum nurtures critical thinking, logical reasoning, and creativity.

This Course is divided in 3 Parts

  1. Block Based Programming (it has 6 different Courses)

  2. Moving from Block Based programming to Text Based Programming (it has 1 course)

  3. Text Based programming (it has 2 different Courses)

**Master Various Programming Concepts with Ease & Fun:**

In this course, your child will effortlessly grasp programming concepts while having a blast. From block-based programming to text-based programming, our curriculum covers it all. Your child will enjoy learning through engaging activities like creating interactive applications, building games, and designing websites.

#Learn Risk-Free - 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee (But trust us, you won't need it!)

PART-1: Block Based programming - Here we will learn concepts of Programming with easy drag & drop software. Here are the 6 courses we will cover in this part

1. Learning basics of Programming by generation of Visual Designs

Unleash Creativity with 3D Designing & Printing: Your child will unlock the power of programming to construct and print their own 3D shapes and patterns. This exciting journey into the world of 3D will enhance their spatial awareness and unleash their artistic talents

  • 3D Design – Program and build 3D shapes & patterns

  • 3D Printing – Learn to 3D print the designs built

2. Application of programming

Your child will explore the exciting world of electronics programming, where they'll learn to control and simulate electronic chips & Lego platforms.

  • Electronics Programming, Control & Simulation - Working with 2 Electronic Chips

  • Robotics Programming, Control & Simulation - Programming Lego

3. SCRATCH Programming & Gaming

With Scratch programming, your child will bring their ideas to life! They'll dive into the world of coding by building interactive applications like quiz systems and calculators. The drag-and-drop interface makes learning fun and accessible, allowing them to express their creativity while developing essential problem-solving skills

  • Learn basics of programming through movement of sprites

  • Build application like Quiz & Calculator using Scratch

  • Build animations & Stories using Scratch

  • Build Games using scratch Programming

4. Developing games with a Professional Game Engine - CONSTRUCT 3

Unleash the Game Developer Within - Let your child's imagination soar as they explore game development with Construct 3. They will learn to build real interactive games like platformers and tank fights, transforming their ideas into captivating digital experiences. This hands-on approach to game development encourages creativity, logical thinking, and computational skills

  • Learn the Game engine & build your own interactive games

  • Build 3 very interesting Games with ease

5. Web Designing with WORDPRESS

Website Design Made Easy - your child will delve into the world of web design and development with drag & drop based software

  • Build a real website

  • Make the website live with 0 budget

6. ROBOTICS with Arduino – (no hardware reqd)

Experience the power of Arduino without physical components. Dive into simulations that allow your child to learn and experiment with circuits, programming, and more, all within a virtual environment

  • Basics of Electricity

  • LED Projects - Circuit Building & Programming

  • Motor Projects - Circuit Building & Programming

  • Sensors & robotics - Circuit Building & Programming

PART -2 : Moving from Block Based programming to Text Based Programming – Here we will learn to shift to text programming using turtle graphics programming with python.

7. Moving from Scratch to Python - TURTLE programming

  • Learn the analogy in Scratch & Python

  • Build various shapes (triangle, square, polygons, circle) in python

  • Program complex designs

PART -3 : Text Based programming – Here we will learn to build applications by writing text programs.

8. PYTHON Programming

Empower Mathematical Thinking with Python Programming: Math and programming go hand in hand! Through Python programming, your child will explore mathematical concepts in a dynamic and practical way. They will create mathematical applications like student grade calculators, and dive into number series generation, enhancing their problem-solving skills along the way

  • Learn various Programming concepts like loops, variables, conditional statements & data types

  • Build mathematical applications like student grade calculator

  • Build numerical applications like number series, calculator etc

9. HTML & CSS Programming

Give your child the skills to create their own website from scratch! They will learn HTML coding to structure web pages, CSS concepts to add style and design, and even build and design websites using the popular WordPress platform. They'll discover the thrill of seeing their creations come to life online

  • Build website using HTML programming

  • Style the website using CSS Coding

This Mega course is regularly updated with new lectures / courses so that you get most value out of it & this course can exceed your expectations.

Learn Programming & Math

  • You will learn different programming concepts in an easy way like

    • Loops - For & While

    • Conditional Statements - If & else

    • Using variables 

    • Data Types

  • Sounds boring but you'll love the way Maths concepts are explained in the course like

    • Number lines

    • X Y Z axes

    • 3D objects (Cube, Cuboid, Pipe, Tubes etc.)

    • 2D objects (Square, Hexagon, Octagon, Decagon, Circle)

    • Natural numbers

    • Squares / cubes

    • Finding Area / Perimeter

    • Building math Calculators in Scratch & Python

Enroll for the course & Unlock Your Child's Coding Potential Today!

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to equip your child with invaluable skills for the future. Enroll them in the course and watch their potential soar to new heights! Plus, with our 30-day money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Let's unlock the coding genius within your child together!

I am excited to see you in the course :)

Note : Those under 18 but above the age of consent may use the course only if a parent or guardian opens their account, handles any enrollments, and manages their account usage.

Who Should Attend!

  • Parents/Teachers who wish to teach programming to their kids (7 years+)
  • STEM Trainers & Educators
  • Anybody planning to start a STEM / Coding Center
  • Any beginner in programming
  • This course is not for experienced coders, unless you want to code with your kids.



  • Coding For Kids
  • Python
  • Robotics
  • Scratch Programming






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