Research Proposal Bootcamp: How To Write A Research Proposal

Learn How To Write a Convincing Research Proposal Today – Includes a Free Research Proposal Template + 100s of Resources

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Research Proposal Bootcamp: How To Write A Research Proposal

What You Will Learn!

  • WHAT exactly a research proposal is (and isn't) - and how this fits into the bigger picture of the research process.
  • WHAT you need to have in place before you even start your research proposal, so that you don't waste time rewriting.
  • WHAT the four critically important components of a research proposal are and how to develop them.
  • WHAT the reviewers/assessors are typically looking for in a research proposal and what they focus on in each section.
  • HOW to write a high-quality proposal that has the best chances of approval.
  • HOW to develop a detailed research project plan, timeline and budget for your research.
  • HOW to optimise your approach so that you craft the strongest proposal in minimal time.
  • FREE access to our comprehensive research proposal template and resource masterlist.


Whether you’re a first-time researcher, just starting out and feeling a little overwhelmed by the research proposal writing process - or you’re already knee-deep in the writing process but need a little guidance to ensure you’re on the right path - this online course is for you.

Designed by the award-winning team of research specialists at Grad Coach, and presented by one of our dedicated private coaches, Dr Kerryn Warren, this research proposal course provides you with a step-by-step practical guide to help develop your research proposal. Together, we’ll work through loads of practical examples to illustrate each point and review actual successful research proposals, so that you can see exactly what it takes to get your proposal approved. Along the way, you can test your understanding with interactive pop quizzes and ask questions about each lesson as you work through the course.

This online course is specifically designed for both undergrad and postgrad students who are new to the academic research process. You don’t need to have any prior research proposal writing experience, as we unpack each concept from the ground up. While this course is geared towards research proposals within the sciences (especially the social sciences), the principles and concepts we’ll cover apply to the vast majority of research areas.

Within the course, you can use the carefully designed practical exercises to build your actual research proposal as you work through the course. In other words, by the end of the course, you won’t just have a certificate - you’ll have an actual proposal! All that said, if you’d prefer to just focus on specific lessons, you’re most welcome to do so, as each lesson works perfectly well on a standalone basis.

But it doesn’t stop there. By joining the course, you’ll get full, unrestricted access to our meaty collection of additional research proposal-related resources. This includes a comprehensive template for your research proposal, hours upon hours of additional video lessons and webinars, as well as practical tools and resources, including project plans, budgets and more.

In short, this course gives you everything you need to craft a successful research proposal. Best of all, you can easily work through it over a weekend or even a few weeknights - so you’re not signing up for a huge commitment.

Who Should Attend!

  • First-time researchers at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
  • Students undertaking research within the sciences (e.g., business, psychology, education, nursing, etc.).



  • Research Methods
  • Research Paper Writing






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