Relieve Your Money Stress

Personal Finance Visualization Tools & Free Automation

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Relieve Your Money Stress

What You Will Learn!

  • How to create visual clarity to your bank accounts
  • How to create visual clarity to your income and expenses
  • How to create visual groups of expenses based on type and frequency
  • How to create automated funding plans and free bank accounts for each expense group


Do you have money stress?  Do any of the following statements ring true:

•  I’m getting overdraft fees frequently

•  I’m unprepared for special events like birthdays or holidays

•  Where is my money going? I can’t see it clearly

•  My credit card balance is growing even though I want to pay it down or off

•  Everyone says to make a budget, but each time I try it doesn’t work

•  What am I doing wrong with my money?

This class teaches a step by step process which drives visual clarity of your personal finances.

`I’m a visual learner and after years of trying various budgeting apps and spreadsheets, this process has yielded terrific results for my family and I.

This course will walk through a step by step process that will drive clarity to your personal finances and relieve money stress.  Together we will learn how to:

•  Create visual clarity to your bank accounts

•  Create visual clarity to your income and expenses

•  Create visual groups of expenses based on type and frequency

•  Create automated funding plans and free bank accounts for each expense group 

We will walk through specific instructions for each step, along with using an visualization worksheet to allow your money to be organized and clarified.

At the end of this class you will have clarity around your personal finances and the stress will be relieved.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone with an interest in personal finance



  • Personal Finance
  • Stress Management






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