Earn Extra Income With Profitable Broiler chicken Production

Learn chicken welfare, feed formulation, record keeping and business planning, farming, diseases, biosecurity, poultry

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Earn Extra Income With Profitable Broiler chicken Production

What You Will Learn!

  • To run a big or small chicken enterprise properly.
  • To compile a business plan with budgets, cashflows and housing plans.
  • Proper rearing of broiler chickens.
  • Mix own chicken feeds.
  • Learn about common poultry diseases and conditions affecting broiler chickens
  • Gain knowledge of proper housing and equipment for chickens.
  • To easily earn extra income running a side business.
  • How to implement biosecurity.


This course is about how to run a chicken production enterprise efficiently with low costs, low mortality, quicker turnover and consequently higher profits. Understand common terms used in chicken production

The course will concentrate on chicken welfare which involves, proper housing, spacing, feeding, feed mixing/formulation, heating, lighting, hygiene practices, vaccination and symptoms of sick chickens. There will be an extra section on the use of herbs to prevent and treat some of the diseases. You will be able to understand notable disease namely bird flue, new castle, coryza, IBD, mycloplasma, ascites and collibacilos. 

The course also dwells on how to plan, implement, run and evaluate a chicken production enterprise.

Compile a comprehensive business plan with (budgets, cashflows, housing plan, equipment and procedures). The business plan can be used for own planning or to apply for funding. 

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who want to take chicken farming as a hobby or income generating project.
  • Aspiring and existing chicken farmers in the backyard or at a farm.
  • To train poultrymen at a broiler chicken farms.
  • Technical advisors to poultry farmers
  • Those in agriculture specialising in animal or livestock production



  • Poultry Farming






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