Product Design in AI | Artificial Intelligence and Users

The Most Comprehensive UX & AI Course - Learn to Design for Artificial Intelligence as a UX/UI Designer of the Future

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Product Design in AI | Artificial Intelligence and Users

What You Will Learn!

  • You will learn to apply AI principles in product design, understand differences between traditional & AI design and create user-centered AI systems.
  • You will learn to address ethical concerns, understand the basics of machine learning, and improve communication in AI product development teams.
  • You will learn to identify user needs, goals and feedback in AI design, to create truly beneficial and user-centered products.
  • You will learn to analyze and prevent bias, protect privacy, and enhance security in AI products to ensure responsible, trustworthy and fair systems.
  • You will learn to design and prototype AI systems, develop and test them with user feedback to improve the user experience.
  • You will learn to understand the business objectives and technical feasibility in AI product development to align your designs with company goals.
  • As a competitive learner in this course and a future AI designer, you should walk away with at least 3 AI projects for your design portfolio.
  • As a passionate product designer and lifetime learner, you should get lifetime access to full course materials dedicated to AI designing


Are you interested in learning how to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) to your future designs and creating innovative products? It is not too late and in fact, you are early! If you are a product designer, or UX/UI designer, looking to enhance your skills in order to compete for the next job in the science and technology field, this course on Product Design in AI is the perfect option for you.


  • 100+ on-demand videos,

  • 500+ downloadable slides and course materials,

  • hands-on projects for your design portfolio,

  • and a certificate to prove your expertise in AI Design,

you will be ready to position yourself as an expert in the field of product design in AI.

In this comprehensive course on AI design, you will learn not only how to prototype AI-powered products that meet the needs of your target users, but also the ethical and legal considerations involved in designing AI systems or products. You will also learn how to deal with common AI design issues such as bias in data and algorithms.

***ATTENTION*** Note that this course is NOT about how to use AI to assist in your design process, but about how to design for AI-powered products and AI systems. (To learn how to use ChatGPT to assist in your design process, please check my other course, ChatGPT Prompt Engineering). This course, Product Design in AI | Artificial Intelligence and Users, is best suited for product designers and IS NOT a technical guide on how to train an AI. Please feel free to review the following curriculum before enrolling.

By the end of this course, you will be well-equipped to turn your ideas into successful AI-powered products, and take your portfolio to another level with your newly gained knowledge and experience in product design in artificial intelligence.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner in AI designing
  • Product Designer
  • UX/UI Designer



  • Artificial Intelligence
  • User Experience Design
  • Product Design






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