Philosophy Of Religion: Spirituality Despite Politics

Philosophy of religion: spirituality and politics in religion (Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Taoism)

Ratings 3.74 / 5.00
Philosophy Of Religion: Spirituality Despite Politics

What You Will Learn!

  • Think critically about where any religious thought of belief is coming from
  • Know the 5 proofs of God's existence and the reasons to be skeptical
  • Have a new historical perspective on religion
  • Understand when something is spirituality vs. religion vs. politics vs. manipulation so you don't fall into the wrong or misguided traps
  • Know almost every important philosopher's perspective on religion for the past 2,500 years
  • Be more worldly in your understanding of religious ideas and how they fit into modern thought


In this philosophy of religion course you will learn about the philosophy of religion, which is a branch of philosophy (not theology) that focuses on using rational understand to comprehend various religious phenomenons and beliefs. 

How Is This Philosophy Course Structured?

In the course I present the leading opinions about religion from the top philosophers from the last 2000 years. I cover philosophers starting from Socrates to modern existential and nihilistic views on philosophy, and the evolution of religion from ancient times to the present. I equally present the rationalizations and proofs of God as well as reasons not to believe in God. I also point out when politics takes over, and how to make the distinction, and not let politics take over. 

The course is 100% objective. At rare times I offer my own opinions, but I always try to give both sides of arguments by philosophers on both sides of the issues I present. 

Additionally, I NEVER single out any religion or ANY group of people. My goal for this philosophy of religion course was to present it as objectively as possible, and let you decide on your eventual beliefs. I just introduce philosophy of religion approximately as it would be taught in an undergraduate philosophy of religion course. 

You Will Get Introduced To New Ideas And Perspectives 

Religion is as prevalent and widespread in the world today as it has ever been. I feel that you will find this philosophy of religion course enlightening and thought provoking. I welcome and encourage you to take the course. It will give you a number of perspectives and arguments from which to view spirituality and religion in a new light. 

No Risk To Take This Philosophy Course 

Every course on Udemy comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, and so does this philosophy course. So there is no risk to take this philosophy course. If you find that you don't like the course, just get your money back. But I am confident that you will find the course interesting! 

Is This A Philosophy Course Or A Religion Course?

This is first and foremost a philosophy course. This course examines the opinions of the major philosophers (not theologists) about religion. 

Why Is A Philosophy Course Like This Needed Or Interesting For Today's Audience?

Today, religion is politicized more than ever. It is also endlessly skewed by the media. This is why in this course, we go back to basics, and examine what the smartest people in history had to say about religion.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for people interested in religion
  • This course is for people who are interested in philosophy
  • This course is for people who are open minded about religious views
  • People interested in spirituality



  • Philosophy
  • Religious Studies
  • Spirituality






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