Perform better at work: work better as a human

10 Habits to adopt to help you find your purpose and be more fulfilled in work and in life.

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Perform better at work: work better as a human

What You Will Learn!

  • How to be Open, Curious, Receptive and Present
  • The Importance of Being Comfortable in Your Own Shoes
  • How to use Humour as a Tool in the Workplace
  • Ikigai
  • The importance of Steering High
  • How to Present Yourself Better
  • The Importance of Being a Better at Listener
  • The Importance of Creating a Safe Space
  • Better Leadership


In this course I will take you through 10 habits that I have adopted - and that I have helped people adopt - over my 40 years of business experience and coaching practice. Some ideas you may have come across before; many will be new to you. I explain why they are important for your growth and show how you can adopt them into your everyday life.

It’s really a brief introduction to a number of ways that will help you listen better, communicate more empathetically, present yourself authentically, be able to take a longer term view and remove things that might be blocking your progress. Combined, they will improve your leadership skills and give you more self confidence in your human interactions.

Adopting these habits will improve your skills in the workplace. More and most importantly they are life skills or behaviours that will serve you well in all your human interactions - at work, play and at home.

The course shows you how to commit to small steps to improve your performance as a human. You need to make your first small step and commit to the course - knowing and believing that if you ‘buy’ some of the behaviours here you will commit to trying and practising the ones that resonate with you the most.

Who Should Attend!

  • People who want to work better as a human and therefore perform better at work



  • Habits
  • Personal Development






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