Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Certificate

Mindfulness | MBCT | Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | CBT | Depression | Anxiety | Mental Health

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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Certificate

What You Will Learn!

  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
  • Deliver MBCT to yourself or others
  • Treat depression and anxiety
  • Understand how to prevent relapse and reoccurance
  • Develop a personal mindfulness practice


Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an evidence-based treatment for depression and anxiety. it is designed to prevent relapse and reoccurrence by giving people a set of mindfulness and cognitive skills to manage their mental health. In this introductory course, you will learn about the core concepts, theories and skills used in MBCT.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is a therapeutic approach that combines elements of cognitive therapy with the principles of mindfulness. MBCT teaches participants to become more aware of their thoughts and feelings without judgment and to develop a healthier relationship with them. By enhancing mindfulness skills, MBCT aims to prevent relapses of depression by interrupting the automatic thought patterns and reactions that can lead to recurrent episodes.

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of MBCT, including its theoretical foundations, techniques, and applications, making it a valuable resource for mental health professionals and individuals seeking to improve their wellbeing.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy was originally developed for depression but now has a strong evidence base for treating anxiety, and research continues to expand into other mental health conditions such as OCD and addiction, all of which will be discussed in this course.

This course will take you step-by-step through the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy programme as we learn to:

  • Develop greater awareness and switch off autopilot

  • Connect with our experiences

  • Bring greater focus and attentional control

  • Find new ways to deal with uncomfortable experiences

  • Build an action plan for better mental health

  • Apply MBCT to a range of mental health conditions

We will explore both the theoretical and practical sides of MBCT, looking at how and why it works and diving into MBCT techniques with a series of practice exercises that will help you develop your personal mindfulness practice and see how it works in the real world. We’ll learn through videos, articles, quizzes, downloads and activities.

MBCT is a theoretical integration of mindfulness and cognitive therapy but is a standalone treatment so you do not need a background in either mindfulness or cognitive therapy to join this course as everything will be explained from the fundamentals.

On completing the course, you will earn a certificate accredited by the International Association of Therapists.

Who Should Attend!

  • Mental health professionals looking to deliver Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
  • Individuals looking to reduce depression and anxiety
  • Psychology students looking to learn about MBCT



  • CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Mindfulness






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