Logic Pro X - How To Make Beats

Watch as I show you the steps professional producers take to make beats in Logic Pro X

Ratings 4.72 / 5.00
Logic Pro X - How To Make Beats

What You Will Learn!

  • Start a new project.
  • Understand and access all the major functions of Logic Pro X.
  • Access Logic's Sound Library.
  • Quickly get started making music.
  • Load and save projects.


Are you new to music production and making your own beats and instrumentals?

Do you have Logic Pro X and need help getting started?

If so then this is the course for you!

My name is Joseph, and I am a music producer and composer.

Over the years I have worked with a lot of artists, producers, and major TV Networks like MTV, VH1, Netflix and more!

And in this course you will learn how to make your own beats and instrumentals in Logic Pro X.

The course is broken down into 4 sections and has around 2 1/2 hours of content.

After completing the course you will be able to:

  • Operate Logic Pro X like a pro

  • Build your own melodies and drum patterns

  • Work with samples

  • Edit and arrange your tracks into song format

  • Mix your beats professionally

  • Bounce down your music into high quality MP3 and WAV files

  • And much more!

Check out what a few current students had to say after completing this course:

"I just dove into logic one day because I was always told a daw is a daw and never actually learned Logic & this is showing me what I never knew. Dope." - Barrett Hughes

"Perfect for someone who already has some experience with the program. Not bad for beginners because it shows you where you can be once you have gotten some time to spend on Logic. Thank you will definitely be replaying this in the future as I learn." - Johnny Ochoa

"I had a great time with the course! Very informative, brushed up on the basics and went into detail just enough to get you started exploring on your own. Simple and to the point, doesn't waste any time!" - Amanda Simeon

As you can see the information is pretty legit!

But if you already have Logic Pro X,

Have been using it for years and sell your beats,

Then this is not the course for you, please do not enroll.

This course is designed for complete beginners and producers that are new to making beats and instrumentals in Logic Pro X.

If that is you then please, enroll in this course today!

The course also is backed by a 30 day guarantee.

This means that you can take the full course and if you are not satisfied for any reason,

You can get a full refund within 30 days from enrolling in the course!

So really this is a risk free opportunity to learn Logic Pro X and how to make beats.

Waste no more time trying to learn on your own...

Instead get all the information you need to make FIRE beats in Logic Pro X today!

Enroll now to get started.

Who Should Attend!

  • This Introduction to Logic Pro X Course is for beginners and those who just purchased the software.
  • No prior experience is needed.
  • This course is probably not for you if you're looking to learn more advanced and complex techniques.



  • Logic
  • Logic Pro






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