Learn How To Mix & Master Music: Step by step in depth guide

Learn pro level mix and mastering techniques to bring your mixing to life.

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Learn How To Mix & Master Music: Step by step in depth guide

What You Will Learn!

  • You will fully understand the fundamentals of mixing and how to use the tools you have.
  • Eq and compression will no longer be a mystery.
  • After practicing alongside the lessons you will have confidence and know what your doing.
  • After learning how to mix you will now know how to finalize you're track by mastering.


In this course I first explain the fundamentals of mixing & understanding how to use them. I then do a step by step in depth explanation of mixing a song. It's very important for you to use headphones or studio monitors while watching these videos. By the end of the course you will fully understand how to mix an industry standard song. After mixing for many years I've not only learned from the best but also have learned my own things on my own and I'm glad to share everything I know in this course. I hope you enjoy this 11 part video course, I really put the most effort to explain everthing for you to understand easily.

Even if your a professional mixing engineer there is still very valuable information that you can learn from in this course.

I suggest to pactice along with me as you watch each video, it helps tremendosly.

You don't need all the plugins shown in the videos to learn how to mix, as long as you have a DAW you will have plugins you can use.

This course was carefully crafted so you can have the best of the best knowledge to bring to your own mixes!

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for anyone, at first I go over basics but even the best engineers can learn more technuiqes from this.



  • Audio Editing
  • Audio Engineering
  • Music Mixing
  • Audio Equalization






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