Learning to Learn

Maximize your learning by broadening and deepening your understanding of what is involved in learning

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Learning to Learn

What You Will Learn!

  • By the end of this course you should be in a position to maximize your learning
  • You will develop a better understanding of how learning works
  • You will also learn how learning can be blocked
  • You will be able to make the most of the learning opportunities you will encounter in future


     Welcome to this e-learning course developed and produced by Dr Neil Thompson and hosted by Udemy. Neil is a well-published author in the people professions field, an international conference speaker and sought-after consultant. The overall aim of this course is to help you broaden and deepen your understanding of what is involved in learning, what can prevent it from happening and what you can do to maximize your learning. 

     Learning is part of everyday life and something we are very familiar with. But, that does not mean that we are making the most of the learning opportunities we encounter. Indeed, it is fair to say that, despite the emphasis on the importance of learning, relatively few people achieve optimal learning. This is because we can be so focused on getting our job done that we don't leave room for drawing out the learning from our daily experience. 

     This course has been developed to help you understand what is involved in learning, how learning can be blocked and what can be done to make sure that you learn as much as you reasonably can. 

     The course comprises a short introductory video followed by six main ‘lessons’, a concluding video and certificate of completion. It is best if you follow the course in the set order, as each lesson builds on the previous ones. From time to time you will be directed to your Module Companion E-book. You will need to download this from Lecture 2 and print it out. It will then be very useful for you (a) to take notes to consolidate your learning as you progress through the program; and (b) to undertake the exercises that are a core element of the course. Please ensure that you have a printed copy of the Module Companion E-book available before you commence Lesson 1. 

     The course is roughly equivalent to a full day's study, but can be completed in your own time and at your own pace; you don't have to complete it all in one go. Leave the course and come back to it whenever you like. 

     We very much hope you find this course not only interesting but also of practical benefit in maximizing your learning! 

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone interested in improving their ability to learn can benefit from this course. So, whatever your occupation or background, whether you are interested for personal or professional reasons, this course will have much to offer you.



  • Learning Strategies






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