Learn To Dance (4 Dances in 80 minutes)

(Complete beginner guide) Learn To Dance, Fast And Easy

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Learn To Dance (4 Dances in 80 minutes)

What You Will Learn!

  • Latin Dance
  • Salsa
  • Dance
  • Bachata
  • Hustle
  • Merengue
  • Cha Cha


- You will learn 4 dances

- And will master 9 different steps (foundation to all partner dancing)

- All this throughout (30) lessons including detailed breakdowns, demos and drills

=== In more detail ===

- First, you will learn the simplest Latin basic step in the world. Anyone, and I mean anyone can be confidently dancing this step in minutes, regardless of "talent" or previous knowledge.

- (Extra secret) The proper way to place your feet (hint, its simple, and and pros uses this secret to look elegant)

- Learn to dance on rhythm - we'll take this simplest step in the world, and use it drill rhythm into your body. You'll be dancing to perfect synchrony and rhythm in minutes.

- How to prepare for dance, do this before you do start any partner dance

- How to "ground to the floor", this makes you look strong and confident in any dance

- You will learn the simplest dance turn. Anyone can do this confidently in minutes. Easy, but already gives you lots of options to have fun in dance.

- Then, you will learn the hustle basic... this lets you partner dance to popular music, yes that means all the stuff in the clubs, on the radio charts and more...

- You will then learn how to ROTATE a step around the the room (this allows you to turn TOGETHER with your partner as one, really cool)

- Learn the bachata basic (super popular dance!)

- Learn the bachata 180 turn (allows for tons of cool figures!)

- (Bonus) Learn how to spice up your bachata with some cha-cha

- Special practice combination (combining 180 turns and basic steps)

- Learn the two main salsa basics (super popular dance)

- Learn a trick about how to upgrade your basic (this is how experienced salsa dancers do it)

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners to Dance



  • Dance
  • Salsa Dancing
  • Bachata






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