Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom Teaching: Ho’oponopono
Hard to say, easy to apply!
Four Simple Phrases... Mysterious teaching and an infinite door to wisdom...
A unique approach to get rid of the negative patterns that limit you, to be purified, and to heal many areas in your life...
As you master the Ho’oponopono technique, you will realize that the vicious cycles in your life are miraculously transforming.
You can start to intervene in almost every aspect of your life, from your private life to your business life, from your mental state to your social relations...
In this course, we cover many aspects of the life-changing Ho’oponopono technique and share details on how to use it.
Some topics of the course:
Relief from Addictions,
Transform Relationships Problems,
Unblocking Emotional Blockages,
Identifying Negative Core Beliefs,
Practicing Self-Ho’oponopono,
A Holistic Purification Program
This technique includes a self-development and awareness exercise. It can give you very important tips on accepting, letting things slide, and staying in the moment. You can practice the technique as a meditation session, or you can practice it by simply repeating the practice instructions throughout the day. No prerequisites are required to benefit from this training. From the beginning to the end of the course, we will give you instructions on how to apply the technique easily.
Note: Ho’oponopono is not a treatment or therapy tool; the information shared here should not be used in situations that require psychiatric support. This training program does not claim to be a therapy or treatment. It is a training program in which healthy individuals can use the Ho’oponopono technique for self-improvement. If you think you have a health problem that requires medical/psychological support, please consult a physician.