Learn Classical Modern Dance

30-Day Online Course and Introduction to the Limón Technique

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Learn Classical Modern Dance

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the foundational elements of the Limón dance technique.
  • Learn to move organically and understand Limón’s unique use of space, weight, and music.
  • Improve your coordination significantly by; working off-balance, with multiple layers of gestures.
  • Enhance your body's flexibility and strength.


About the Course

Jose Limón & the Limón Technique

José Limón can be added to the list of choreographers who developed their own signature training styles. In the dance world today, it is typical within professional training programs for students to be trained in both the Graham Technique and Limón Technique styles of Modern Dance.

Modern Dance has evolved with each subsequent generation of participating artists. Artistic content has morphed and shifted from one choreographer to another, as have styles and techniques. Even elements of urban dance have become well represented in this genre.

In this course, we will focus on the basics of the Limón style whose technique was informed by Humphrey's ideas about the dynamics of body weight as the body rose, fell, and remained in suspension during a dance. This technique improves a dancer's quality of movement and adds strength while developing dynamic and exciting movement qualities.

Because of Limón’s unique use of space, weight, and music, it’s an excellent introduction to dance in general. It can be broken down into simple exercises that can be later enhanced to challenge more seasoned dancers. Limón Technique improves one’s coordination significantly. The style differs from other techniques often by; working off-balance, with multiple layers of movements, and with the body in an inverted position. Thus, making; turns, jumps, and extensions more difficult.

After this course you will be able to:

● use dance vocabulary to describe movement;

● understand the foundational steps within the Limón Technique;

● be able to join a recreational modern dance class;

● apply this movement vocabulary to other dance forms.

In addition, you will have improved your:

● body’s strength and flexibility;

● coordination

● musical understanding;

● movement vocabulary

This is an excellent course for non-dancers interested in learning Modern Dance, beginner dancers wanting to improve their abilities, or seasoned dancers who’ve never studied this particular style but wish to understand the different use of body weight, fall, suspension, and coordination that the Limón Technique offers.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is suitable for first-time dancers as well as seasoned dancers who’ve never studied the Limón technique and wish to experience a full Limón class and implement the organic movement into their dance vocabulary. In this course, we will focus on the basics of the Limón style whose technique was informed by Humphrey's ideas about the dynamics of body weight as the body rose, fell, and remained in suspension during a dance. This technique improves a dancer's quality of movement and adds strength while developing dynamic and exciting movement qualities. Because of Limón’s unique use of space, weight, and music, it’s an excellent introduction to dance in general. It can be broken down into simple exercises that can be later enhanced to challenge more seasoned dancers. Limón Technique improves one’s coordination significantly. The style differs from other techniques often by; working off-balance, with multiple layers of movements, and with the body in an inverted position. Thus, making; turns, jumps, and extensions more difficult.



  • Dance






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