Leading Like An Alpha

How To Inspire Your Tribe Into A State Of Excellence

Ratings 4.20 / 5.00
Leading Like An Alpha

What You Will Learn!

  • Inspire their tribes into a state of excellence by understanding the role of the natural chemicals which govern the behaviour of the human species
  • Implement proven strategies which allow for you to work with this information responsibly and successfully
  • Ensure that your tribe members are consistenly in a state of motivated happiness, which is the state of being which is most conducive to human beings thriving


This course is for all existing leaders, as well as those who aspire to move into leadership positions in the future. The course offers insights as to how tuning into the biology of your tribe members can assist you with learning how to lead them into a state of excellence - consistently. We seriously underestimate the power of the natural  chemicals which govern our behaviour as a species and many leaders are completely unaware of how useful this information can be in their day-to-day dealings with their teams. 

The course is three and a half hours long and is structured in a way which explains what these chemicals are and how they work in the most straight forward way possible. Once I've covered how these chemicals affect our behaviour as humans beings, I talk through the strategies you need to use to make this work in your favour as an Alpha Leader - and more importantly, how to implement these strategies with your people.

I show you how to turn your team into a motivated, connected, happy tribe who trust and respect you as their leader and love their jobs too. This is the state of being that humans thrive in.

Who Should Attend!

  • This leadership course is meant for all those who are already in leadership positions and who are seeking to improve upon their current skill set in a way which manifests tangible results. Anyone who aspires to move into a leadership position professionally will also gain insight and knowledge as to what it takes to position themselves as someone who is capable of leading a tribe to success. This course is probably not for you if you have no interest in understanding human beings better.



  • Leadership
  • Management Skills
  • Manager Training






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