Field Craft: Every Knot You'll Ever Need

Every Knot You'll Ever Need To Know

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Field Craft: Every Knot You'll Ever Need

What You Will Learn!

  • Is this "Knot" Important?
  • Simple Knots
  • Joining Ropes
  • Loop-Making
  • Hitches
  • Shortening Rope
  • Securing Loads
  • Lashings
  • Fishing Knots



When I was in the military, there wasn't a school I went to that we didn't learn a new knot. Knots have plenty of use cases in our everyday lives. Whether you are military, first responder, law enforcement, climber, hiker or just an outdoor enthusiast, this class will more than benefit you as a resource for the rest of your lifetime.

Have you ever not been able to untie a knot at a crucial moment? Most people have and it is both frustrating and embarrassing. There is the right knot for every task and it's important to pick the correct one for the job. You never know when you may need to tie a knot and your life could depend on it. These knots can be essential outdoors for building shelter, hauling heavy loads, joining items and even emergency evacuation.

We will go step by step and by the end of the class you will be familiar with over 20 new knots and their applications. Be sure to checkout the Rope Terminology before you begin. Please realize that many people do the same thing in different ways, there is more than one way to skin a cat and rope-tying is no exception.

Please feel free to time yourself tying the knots once you feel have the concepts mastered.

Thank you for joining the class! Enjoy

Who Should Attend!

  • Military personnel and potential Basic Training recruits.
  • Survivalists, fisherman, surgeons, mountain climbers, handymen, handywomen, campers, nature enthusiasts.
  • Entry level to advanced survival enthusiasts.
  • Fathers (and mothers) who want to teach their sons basic knots every man should know.
  • Employees that work with equipment or frequently travel.
  • Teens with high energy levels and focus issues.
  • Companies who wish to do team building exercises or who do extensive traveling.
  • Disaster Preppers and hunters.
  • Eagle Scouts, Pathfinders, 4-H Students, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.



  • Survival Skills






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