Introduction to Mahabharata

Lessons for Life and Business

Ratings 4.27 / 5.00
Introduction to Mahabharata

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will understand the general story of Mahabharata as well as the some of the major plotlines in the epic.
  • They will learn about the major characters in the story, along with the lessons and symbolisms they represent
  • Students will learn about the great war of Kurukhsetra, as well as the surprisingly modern and applicable strategies used in the war
  • Students will learn ancient strategies in business and communication that are relevant to the modern age.


Unveiling the Timeless Wisdom of Mahabharata: Lessons for Life and Business

Welcome to an extraordinary journey into the captivating world of the Mahabharata! This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive and engaging introduction to this epic story.  In this course, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of the Mahabharata, delving into its grand narrative and essential themes. From the sacred verses of this legendary tale, we will extract valuable lessons that hold profound relevance for both our daily lives and professional endeavors.


  1. Introduction: We will start by familiarizing ourselves with the sweeping storyline of the Mahabharata, painting a vivid picture of its epic proportions.

  2. Relevance to Modern Life: We will unearth the timeless wisdom within the tales of a select few major characters of the epic. Discover how their experiences and decisions can be applied to overcome contemporary challenges in your personal and business spheres.

  3. Accessible for All: Don't worry if you're not already familiar with the story. You will be provided with a concise summary of the epic, a comprehensive family tree of the characters, and detailed explanations – all available for easy download.

Why Enroll:

  • Gain profound insights into the human psyche, relationships, and leadership from the epic's compelling characters.

  • Acquire practical takeaways that can elevate your decision-making skills in everyday scenarios and professional settings.

  • Immerse yourself in a legendary tale that has inspired generations across the ages, leaving an indelible mark on world literature and culture.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is suited for complete beginners to students with minimal exposure to the story.
  • This course is also suited to those who like to learn history and mythology that are relevant and applicable to this modern age.
  • This course is possibly not suited to those who are already experts of the story as they'll then have to revisit things that they already know very well
  • This course is also not suited for those who prefer to learn their Ancient History and Mythology through the traditional memorization of names, dates and places (not that there's anything wrong with that!) as we will be relating a lot of the events and the characters to our modern lives - therefore, we'll do a fair bit of analysing and speculating.



  • Philosophy
  • Religious Studies






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