H.&S. Self-Discovery Learning Program | H&S重新認識自己訓練計畫

Start Living Your Own Life!

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H.&S. Self-Discovery Learning Program | H&S重新認識自己訓練計畫

What You Will Learn!

  • Fully Self-Discovery | 對自己有更全面性與深入的了解。
  • Figure Out Life's Problems (Family, Relationship, Career, etc., And Find The Solutions) | 釐清生活上(例如家庭、感情、工作或是其他方面)碰到的問題並找到正確解決方式的可能性。
  • Learn How to Control Own Mental State and Manage Emotion | 學習如何掌控自己的狀態與管理自己的情緒。
  • Discover Where To Go And Make Breakthrough Thought Current Situation | 從探索自己中找到合適自己的道路,進而突破自己、使自己更進步。
  • Find Out What Life's Meaning, Passion and Purpose | 了解自己的生存意義、熱情與人生目的。


If I ask you "Who are you"?

Can you really answer that question?

In the current educational system, we have rarely been taught how to truly live our own lives. So we'd easily get lost in our life journey, especially when we're grown up.

In this Self-Discovery 3 months course, I'd like to let you discover yourself step by step through each week's practice. In the past year, I've got over 100 student's feedbacks globally, and found most of our problems are from self-mistake, we can also call it 'Unhealthy Cognition'. Because those people around us impact us dramatically, from our thoughts, characters, behaviours to appearances.

So everyone needs to learn how to know deeply and thoroughly about self.

* In order to achieve personal growth effectively, completing the course weekly (watch 1 video and do 1 practice) is highly recommended.

* Trying to make yourself focused but relaxed during this learning period of time.

* If you have any question, feel free to contact me via Udemy or Facebook.

Let's begin your life-transforming journey right now!

>Special attribute to the design icon resource is from Freepik




1. 想要自我成長的人

2. 想要找尋人生目標或意義的人

3. 想要學習情緒管理的人

4. 想要釐清生活中碰到問題的人

5. 想要學習如何更明智的做出決定的人

* 目前課程皆為免費,為推廣讓更多人能夠學習受惠,將之運用在日常生活之中。

* 由於認識自我需要緩慢與漸進的方式,於是建議每週觀看一個影片學習與實際作課後的練習。

* 在學習或練習期間有任何的問題,也都可以在粉絲團上留言給我。

>Special attribute to the design icon resource is from Freepik

Who Should Attend!

  • 1. Someone who wants to make change and grow | 想要有所改變與成長的人:
  • Always feel I am like a quitter, couldn't complete any task, want to learn how to be more resilient | 覺得自己常常三分鐘熱度,總是無法完成一件事情,想要學習如何能夠讓自己有持續的熱情;
  • Sometimes feel I am stuck in life, want to learn how to create a breakthrough | 覺得自己好像在自我成長上停滯了,目前的人生不上也不下,想要學習如何突破現狀、往下一步邁進。
  • Usually think I have anything, but still feel empty inside, want to know what the purpose and have a fulfilling life | 覺得自己很像什麼東西都擁有了,但內在還是感覺空空的,少了些什麼,想要學習如何找到這份「存在的意義」,能夠更充實的面對自己的人生。
  • Have no goals ln life, feel lost in life, want to learn how to discover life's purpose and regain energy and vitality | 覺得自己對未來沒有目標,對人生感到迷惘,想要學習如何找到人生的意義和自我的價值,重拾對生活的活力。
  • Sometimes feel I am a nose of wax, easily got influenced, want to learn how to live my own life | 覺得自己很沒主見,別人說什麼就做什麼,是個大家眼中的乖乖牌,想要學習如何能夠真正勇敢做自己,活出自己的自由人生。
  • 2. Someone who faces difficulties in life | 覺得在人生面對困境的人:
  • Feel I am emotional, want to learn how to better manage emotion | 覺得自己內心很情緒化,想要學習如何管理好情緒。
  • Keep getting involved bad relationships or job, want to learn how to discover who I am and find where I belong | 一直不斷碰到不好的感情、不合適的工作和人等等,想要學習如何從認識自己出發,找到合適自己的人事物。
  • Have no confidence, always admire others, want to learn to be more confident | 覺得自己內心沒信心、自卑,羨慕別人,想要學習讓自己更有自信一點。
  • Don't know where to go in current life's intersection, want to learn how to make right decisions | 覺得自己內心很徬徨,在人生的十字路口上,不知道哪一個選擇比較好,想要學習如何作出正確的決定。
  • Always feel anxious and stressful, want to learn how to make adjustments in life and find the inner peace | 覺得自己內心很焦慮,壓力很大,被現實生活壓到快喘不過氣了,想要學習如何從生活中作出調整,讓自己內在狀態更加的平衡。
  • 3. Someone who wants to know more about own self | 想要深入了解自己的人:
  • Feel self-discovery is interesting and want to learn more about that | 覺得探索自己很有趣,想要更進一步認識自己。
  • Sometimes feel confused in mind, want to learn how to sort out your thoughts | 有時候覺得好像不知道自己在想什麼,想釐清自己思緒。
  • Feel I haven't ever realized who I am so far in my life | 覺得活到現在好像不曾真正了解過自己。



  • Master Your Emotions
  • Life Purpose
  • Self-Awareness
  • Personal Transformation






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