How to get a Canadian college/university admission

You can do this yourself. Despite of what your agents tell you.

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How to get a Canadian college/university admission

What You Will Learn!

  • How to find a college/university in Canada that can accept international students
  • Things to pay attention to when choosing a school
  • Application steps ant timelines
  • Levels of education in Canada


This course is for you if you would like to:

  • have more colleges/universities to choose from than agents offer and select the best one for you;

  • take control of your admission process;

  • receive all communications from your school yourself to be up to date on important announcements.

What to expect. In this course you will learn:

  • how to find schools in Canada that are eligible to accept international students;

  • how to make sure that you program is eligible for a past-graduation work permit;

  • about levels of education in Canada and which one is right for you;

  • how to apply for college/university admission by yourself;

  • how to avoid common mistakes when choosing an educational institution;

  • how to account for steps and timelines you should consider;

  • how to stay up to date on announcements from your school;

  • how school policies may affect your plan and much more.

What you shouldn't expect:

You will not be provided with the list of schools you can apply to. But the course teaches you how to choose the right school, what to pay attention to and where to find the list of schools that accept international students. The purpose of the course is to teach you how you can do your own research without having to rely on an agent.

Who Should Attend!

  • Future international students who would like to find a program in Canada that meets their needs best and apply for admission on their own




