Hip Hop / Rap Video Hijacking: Appear on WorldStar Videos

Get More YouTube Views for Your Music Videos (works with any genre)

Ratings 4.80 / 5.00
Hip Hop / Rap Video Hijacking: Appear on WorldStar Videos

What You Will Learn!

  • You will learn how to ethically hijack other rap videos, even those on Worldstar, to get thousands of views from a very targeted audience for a very low cost.


This course is your gateway to mastering this YouTube advertising technique for music artists (it's not limited to hip hop). Discover how to strategically place your music in front of the right audience by leveraging the popularity of channels and artists you admire, like WorldStar or Logic. Without needing a record label-sized budget, you can now make your music visible on high-profile platforms.

You'll learn the ins and outs of this YouTube advertising technique, including selecting the ideal channels and videos to target. This course demystifies the process, providing step-by-step guidance on how to set up and run effective ad campaigns that capture the attention of viewers who are already interested in similar music.

Moreover, you'll gain insights into the ethical and strategic approaches to 'coattail' on the success of established channels. This isn't just about getting views; it's about engaging with an audience that's primed for your music. Whether you're an independent artist or part of a small label, this course equips you with the tools to boost your online presence and audience engagement without the hefty price tag of traditional music promotion channels.

Join us and unlock the potential of YouTube advertising to elevate your music career. It's time to get your music heard by the audience it deserves.

Who Should Attend!

  • Music artist who want to get their music/videos in front of a targeted fanbase on YouTube.



  • Marketing Strategy
  • YouTube Marketing






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