The Gua Sha Fusion Facial Massage is a completely natural, facial massage that follows the same principles of the ancient Chinese facial acupuncture however, our method replaces the use of intradermal needles with Gua Sha tools, triggering essential meridians on the face and aims to promote the natural production of collagen and elastin which are responsible for skin structure and elasticity.
We achieve the following benefits:
- facial complexion renewal
- reduction of clogged pores
- tighten the chin
- enhances the ability of the skin to absorb cosmetic facial products
- aids in lymphatic drainage, release stress and tension in the face
- reduce lines
The techniques are incredibly powerful: as you will see in this workshop and even more so once you start incorporating these techniques into your skin care routine, they are extremely effective therapeutically and you will absolutely love how these techniques make you feel.
Underlying health issues may directly affect how a person looks. We use a holistic approach to achieve the desired results. The benefits of improvements in sleep being a specific example. This will be discussed in detail throughout the workshop. Gaining an understanding of mechanisms that affect our health and may be a precursor to disease are important.
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