Goals: Learn The Ultimate Goals Formula For Life

Transform Your Life With Goals: Unlock Abundant Potential & Realize Your Dreams with a Powerful Purpose & Goal-Setting

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Goals: Learn The Ultimate Goals Formula For Life

What You Will Learn!

  • Explain the importance of setting goals and how they contribute to success.
  • Describe the abundance mindset and how to cultivate it to achieve success.
  • Reflect on one's life and evaluate it by considering one's own funeral.
  • Complete a self-assessment exercise to determine the current state of one's life.
  • Define one's ideal life and set a clear vision for the future.
  • Identify the gap between one's current reality and ideal life and create a plan to close it.
  • List the seven common reasons why people fail to achieve their goals and describe how to overcome them.
  • Define one's personal purpose and explain how it contributes to success.
  • Create a personal mission statement to guide decision-making and goal-setting.
  • Use the "Why?" question to gain a deeper understanding of one's goals and purpose.
  • Use the SMART formula to set achievable, measurable, and specific goals.
  • Describe the importance of the second "Why?" question and how it contributes to success.
  • Explain the power of loss and how it can motivate one to achieve their goals.
  • Use the "How?" and "When?" questions to create an actionable plan for achieving one's goals.
  • Use the PPF formula to prioritize one's goals and focus on what's most important.
  • Overcome common obstacles that prevent one from achieving their goals.
  • Develop belief in oneself and one's ability to achieve their goals.
  • Explain the power of the subconscious mind and how to program it to support one's goals.
  • Create a plan for taking one's goals from a dream to a reality through consistent action and perseverance.
  • Describe the benefits of reflecting on one's life and considering their own funeral.
  • Evaluate the current state of one's life and identify areas for improvement.
  • Identify the gap between one's current reality and ideal life and set goals to close it.
  • Develop a clear purpose and mission statement to guide decision-making and goal-setting.
  • Use the SMART formula to set achievable and specific goals.
  • Prioritize one's goals using the PPF formula.
  • Overcome obstacles and build belief in oneself to achieve one's goals.
  • Program the subconscious mind to support one's goals.
  • Implement an actionable plan to take one's goals from a dream to a reality.
  • Reflect on the progress made towards achieving one's goals.
  • Continuously cultivate an abundant mindset and use the ultimate achievement formula to achieve success.


In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to stay focused and motivated, and even more challenging to turn your dreams into reality. That's why Dr Justin Cohen has distilled many decades of business experience into this easy-to-follow course that will guide you every step of the way.

The course is designed to help you turn your dreams into reality. Throughout the course, you will explore the power of goals, abundance, purpose, and the subconscious mind, and learn how to use these concepts to transform your life.

The course is divided into 22 lessons, each building upon the previous one. You'll start by exploring the power of goals and learning how to set SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Next, you'll learn about the gap between your real and ideal life, and discover the 7 reasons why goals are not achieved.

You'll also delve into the power of purpose and learn how to create your own personal mission statement. Along the way, you'll learn how to overcome obstacles, build your belief, and tap into the power of your subconscious mind. Finally, you'll learn how to bring your dreams to reality by using the Four Question Formula and the PPF Formula.

This course is different from others available on the market because it takes a holistic approach to personal development. Rather than focusing solely on goal-setting or the power of positive thinking, this course combines elements of both and teaches you how to use them together to transform your life. Whether you're looking to achieve your career goals, start a business, or simply live a happier and more fulfilling life, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

So, if you're ready to turn your dreams into reality and achieve your full potential, then this course is for you!

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals looking to set and achieve personal or professional goals.
  • Students or professionals seeking personal growth and self-improvement.
  • Entrepreneurs or small business owners seeking to improve their productivity and success.
  • People looking to increase their motivation and find purpose in their lives.
  • Job seekers or individuals seeking career advancement.
  • Individuals facing challenges or obstacles in their personal or professional lives, seeking practical solutions to overcome them.



  • Goal Setting
  • Goal Achievement






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