Introduction to occupational safety and health

Introduction to occupational safety and health (OSH / HSE)

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Introduction to occupational safety and health

What You Will Learn!

  • to know what is the occupational health and safety (OSH/hse)
  • understanding many technical words in the health and safety . for exemple : risk , near miss , risk assessment ...etc
  • understanding the health and safety management system and how to apply it at work
  • to know the responsibilities in health and safety and the legal farmework
  • to know the importance of HEALTH AND SAFETY for human, social and economic costs


this course provide global information about the health and safety OSH , it contain:

  • 1: Introduction and history of HEALTH AND SAFETY : which contain information about the history of the health and safety

  • 2: Definitions : explications for many words used the domain of health and safety

  • 3: The importance of HEALTH AND SAFETY for human, social and economic costs : explain why the health and safety is important

  • 4: Variation in HSE performances : explain the distinction of HSE performances caused by the differences in countries , economic sectors and the size of companies

  • 5: Legal framework of health and safety : give the development of regulations concerning the health and safety

  • 6: OSH basics : explain the basic principles of health and safety

  • 7: Responsibilities in health and safety : explain the responsibilities for each level of the organization (management and employees)

  • 8: Health and safety management system : here is explained the health and safety management system by details , all its parts and how to install and use it in the organization

  • 9: Brief Example of OSH management system from international organization of standardization (ISO) : here is given an example of health and safety management system given by the ISO which is ISO 45001

  • 10: Summary

  • 11: Conclusion 

and with all this , it is attached a PDF document which contain this course in written format .

Who Should Attend!

  • students, workers, trainees , engineers




