Fraud investigations and Forensic Audit

How to prevent, deter, and investigate frauds efficiently

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Fraud investigations and Forensic Audit

What You Will Learn!

  • Know principles on human behaviour in relation with fraud
  • Set a comprehensive antifraud program
  • Conduct a fraud examination
  • Understand the forensic auditor contribution to fraud investigations


In this course, you will understand the motivations that drive individuals to commit fraud and the barriers that deter them from doing so.

How to build a comprehensive anti-fraud program to integrate the aspects of fraud prevention, detection and deterrence and the relevant pieces thereof.

The difference between organized crime and occupational fraud, and the implications of facing one situation or another.

The means of identifying alleged fraud, the relationship between reporting and monitoring mechanisms, as well as the actions prior to a formal fraud investigation that the organization may take.

Then we will look at the initial assessment of complaints and the decision whether or not to move forward with an investigation.

The integration of the multidisciplinary research team, as well as the way to coordinate it in pursuit of shared objectives.

The role of different professionals in the interdisciplinary fraud investigation team.

The stages and instances of the research process, from the initial elaboration of hypotheses to their refinement and obtaining of evidence.

The legal implications of fraud investigation and the different strategies to be followed by the victimized organization.

The contribution that the forensic auditor can make to the investigation process and the techniques used.

Finally, the documents emerged as part of the research process and the research report

Who Should Attend!

  • Internal and external auditors
  • Criminal lawyers interested in enhancing their fraud investigation skills
  • Managers interested in preventing and detecting fraud



  • Fraud Analytics






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