Flutter application ui design with getX

Learn beautiful login, signup and profile screen for applications

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Flutter application ui design with getX

What You Will Learn!

  • Latest UI design for login and signup
  • UI design for profile with flutter
  • Route with getX
  • animated text kit in flutter


This course is about to UI design in flutter in this course you can learn how we design login and signup screen as well profile screens, in this course we are using animated text kit and google font also by adding dependencies. This is a great course for those who want to learn UI widgets and getx transition and route system, this course has total 21 videos. In this course we are using background images which we will provide in resource, this course about to design and using getX material for routing and for transition effect. This course is about flutter widgets and widgets tree structure, as flutter is a frame work depend on its widgets every thing are widgets in flutter, means a block of code, This course is great if you want to learn designing in flutter, This course is about modern design of login and signup and as well as profiles screens , in this course we are adding a section of team member where we added images and when user will tap on image so we are sending user to that particular profile screen, In this course we have added Icon also for going back to previous screen. this is great course forever.

Who Should Attend!

  • Who want to learn UI design with Flutter



  • User Interface Design
  • Google Flutter






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