First Aid for Children & Babies - a Course for Young Parents

Designed with parents and babysitters in mind - Learn the first aid & baby care skills that every parent needs to know.

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First Aid for Children & Babies - a Course for Young Parents

What You Will Learn!

  • You will be able to perform CPR (according to the latest guidelines) as well as confidently use an AED.
  • You will be able to perform the Heimlich Maneuver, and you'll know how to save both children and babies, as well as adults from choking.
  • You will know how to check fever correctly, how to break it using natural ways and when it's time for pills or taking your child to the doctor.
  • You will become a master of PREVENTION. You will know about the most common medical emergencies children face, and you will know the actions to prevent them.
  • You will be able to handle many different medical emergencies. From Electricity Shock and Poisoning, to Allergies and Seizures.
  • You will be able to treat different climatic injuries. You will also know the science behind them and how to avoid them in the first place.
  • You will understand the principles behind first aid. You will be able to improvise in unfamiliar situations by following these principles.
  • You will be able to treat physical injuries, whether it's bandaging a cut, or treating burns and fractures, you will know it all!


First Aid is probably the most important life skill every parent should know. When an emergency occurs, for example when a baby or a child starts to choke on something, it only takes about 4-6 minute without oxygen for brain damage or even death to occur.

Unfortunately, while ambulance arrival times are quite fast these days - An average of 8 minutes in developed cities, and 14 in rural areas in the US, (not including the phone conversation), they're still not fast enough to save our dearest of all, if we will not know what to do. Simply put, waiting until an emergency happens to acquire this knowledge, is already too late.

I've designed this course to be the most focused, fun, practical and comprehensive first aid course for children and babies.
In this course you will learn:

  • How to perform CPR (using the latest guidelines).

  • How to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) to make our CPRs even more effective.

  • How to save children, babies and adults from choking using the Heimlich Maneuver and back taps.

  • How to treat different climatic injuries like dehydration, heat stroke or hypothermia, including how to avoid them.

  • How to stop bleedings and correctly bandage wounds.

  • How to handle different kinds of injuries, from head injuries and burns, to treating fractures, sprains and dislocations.

  • How to handle different medical emergencies, like an allergic reaction, poisonings, electricity shock, hair tourniquet and more.

  • How to take care of your child or baby during the routine - How to check fever, assess their situation, and when to take take them to the doctor.

  • The principles and the science behind what we do and why we do it, so you could improvise yourself if you'll need to.

  • And lastly how to prevent these emergencies in the first place!

All of this knowledge will be provided in a fun and straight to the point approach. I don't plan to teach you any boring medical terms or force you to watch a bunch of slide shows. But instead we will focus on live demonstrations, and putting the principles we learn into practice.

I truly believe that this is the best pediatric first aid course out there. It's designed to help widespread this important information without paying thousands of dollars for a real life course, while providing a much more in-depth learning experience that you can learn at your own pace.

In fact, It's almost certain that this is the most in depth children's first aid course that you can find - (Unless you're learning to become an EMT or a similar degree yourself).

So if first aid is something that is interesting to you, if you care about your family's safety, and you want to have your own peace of mind knowing that you took the time to prepare before it's too late, then I honestly believe that you will not regret signing up for this course. - However you could always refund with Udemy's 30 days guarantee if you will :)

I hope to see you inside.

Uri :D

Who Should Attend!

  • Parents
  • Babysitters
  • Caregivers
  • Teachers & teacher assistants
  • Hospitality workers
  • Emergency responders who want to refresh their knowledge
  • Anyone who works with children
  • Anyone who wants to acquire first aid knowledge



  • First Aid
  • Parenting
  • Baby Care






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