Aiming to master Figma by creating amazing in demand projects that rich your portfolio ?
You are the one who love to learn by doing, If so Figma the complete guide is your match. A complete course with more than 10h of content that will take you from zero to hero, starting from the tool setup, till wrapping up the course by designing 4 big projects, targeting different domains (e-commerce, online messaging, food shops and more).
When I started preparing the course, the aim was bridging the gap between theory and practice. As learning the theory part is so important to know the behind of scene for every topic then illustrating it with the practice part.
From here and starting from section one with some theory regarding UI/UX, how they differ, the different job opportunities in both of them and what are the in demand tools that a UI engineer may use in nowadays. Diving more in Figma, our course, mastering topics like frames, shapes, reusable components and even some advanced topics like Mobile-first design, Desktop-first design and prototyping.
Course sections :
Introduction to the UI world
Figma Setup & Project tools
Gentle dive in Figma basics
Frames & Shapes (The complete Burger Shop)
Reusable components & Boolean selections
Prototyping & Comfy ( The complete e-commerce project)
Design Systems & Sticker Sheets
Responsive Design (The complete WhatsApp clone App/Web)