Create a successful YouTube Channel from scratch | YouTuber

2022: YouTube Channel Creation & Basic idea on Keyword, YouTube video's Title, Descriptions & Tags to grow your channel

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Create a successful YouTube Channel from scratch | YouTuber

What You Will Learn!

  • 1. Create YouTube Channel from Scratch
  • 2. Directions to write titles, descriptions, and find keywords for your YouTube video
  • 3. Walk through the backend of the channel Hey Let's Learn Something
  • 4. Basic Questions and Answers relating to YouTube


This course is all about YouTube Channel creation for beginner YouTubers. If you are looking forward to starting a channel, then this video is a must. You will get to know all the steps required to create the channel from scratch and will get an idea about keywords, how to use them on your video's title and descriptions, tags, SEO, and many more.

The main priority of this course is all about giving you an idea to start a youtube channel. We will walk through step by step on setting up the channel, customizing it, and writing titles and descriptions to upload a video.

What's included?

  1. First, we will learn to create a channel right from the beginning, followed by customizing it with your custom logo, banners, links, and many more. You will also get a Photoshop file with the right size so that you can adjust your designs according to the requirements

  2. In the second part, we will work on writing titles, and descriptions, and finding keywords. Please note this will be more of a direction giving you the idea of how you should compose your contents...After this video, you should be able to explore more and get a concrete idea to move forward

  3. We will also walk through the youtube channel Hey Let's learn something and learn more about it, how do we use to post content? How long did it take to get monetized....did community strike affect monetization and many more? We will walk through what we learned earlier and see it from the backend of the channel.

  4. And we will discuss some questions and answers that most new YouTubers might have. These Q&As may not be a complete package but you will know more about Youtube. Additionally, we can always discuss more on it.

  5. Additionally, new content materials will be eventually added

So let's get started!

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for everyone who plans to start a YouTube Channel



  • YouTube Audience Growth
  • YouTube Marketing






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