What is the aim of this course?The aim of this course is to teach you all the best practices behind...
Ratings: 4.01/5.00 Lectures: 23 Subscribers: 24
Slik je je kritiek op anderen soms in? Maakt het je wat uit of je commentaar geeft aan je medewerker...
Ratings: 4.00/5.00 Lectures: 10 Subscribers: 24
A complete professional level Digital Transformation course that focuses on banking!You'll learn ins...
Ratings: 4.00/5.00 Lectures: 65 Subscribers: 24
Technology is here to stay in the restaurant industry. Intuitive software not only helps managers, s...
Ratings: 3.85/5.00 Lectures: 60 Subscribers: 24
This course is about people, and how to bring the best out of people under a project environment. Th...
Ratings: 1.00/5.00 Lectures: 52 Subscribers: 24
Ratings: 5.00/5.00 Lectures: 41 Subscribers: 23
Uno studio dentistico moderno è una vera e propria azienda sanitaria, e come tale ha una complessità...
Ratings: 4.80/5.00 Lectures: 19 Subscribers: 23
"Gen Zers are about to step onto the world stage, the impact of their entry will be swift and profou...
Ratings: 4.29/5.00 Lectures: 9 Subscribers: 23
O ramo de alimentação é uma área que sempre terá mercado e oportunidades, todos precisam comer, cert...
Ratings: 4.29/5.00 Lectures: 12 Subscribers: 23
One of the most scary career moments is when you become a leader of other people. In creative organi...
Ratings: 4.17/5.00 Lectures: 32 Subscribers: 23
Welcome to the PMP (Project Management Professional) Exam Simulator,This is your final step towards...
Ratings: 4.12/5.00 Lectures: 0 Subscribers: 23
COURSE OVERVIEW:This course has been designed to introduce external and internal drivers that can re...
Ratings: 4.11/5.00 Lectures: 32 Subscribers: 23
The course is divided into two parts:1) Accounting principles to understand how SAP Business One ope...
Ratings: 3.90/5.00 Lectures: 32 Subscribers: 23
"OKRs have helped lead us to 10x growth, many times over” Larry Page, Co-Founder of GoogleOKR or "Ob...
Ratings: 3.85/5.00 Lectures: 17 Subscribers: 23
Gestire un'impresa al giorno d'oggi è sempre più complesso. Le variabili in gioco sono molteplici e...
Ratings: 3.23/5.00 Lectures: 21 Subscribers: 23