The Complete SEO Marketing Course in 2023

In this Course, Learn Google Ranking, On & Off Page SEO, Technical SEO, Voice SEO, Local and Global SEO and much more.

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The Complete SEO Marketing Course in 2023

What You Will Learn!

  • SEO training from basic to advanced level for websites based on WordPress
  • Detailed understanding on key SEO factors to rank 1 in Google search engine result page
  • Learn the dynamics of search engine algorithm
  • How to conduct keyword research to Identify the most profitable keywords for top ranking
  • Learn different methods to conduct strategic competitive analysis
  • How to index new and existing web pages on Google and other search engines
  • Effective link building techniques to gain quality backlinks from high authority sites
  • Get targeted traffic of users over the website using the information/transactional long-tail keywords
  • How to optimise website differently for targeting the local users and international users
  • Steps to optimize web pages and content for people who use voice-enabled devices or voice assistants for searching the information
  • Training on some of the best free SEO tools available across the web
  • Effective steps for managing the online reputation of any business
  • Learn conducting the SEO audit to track probable errors that might surface on your website


Learn complete SEO for WordPress websites from scratch to a level where you work as an expert!

If you want to make your career in SEO or provide SEO services as an agency owner then you’re at the right place!

This complete SEO course is prepared based on the research done in finding out the techniques that generate results. Here you’ll learn about the most effective SEO techniques that are required to achieve #1 rank on Google SERP (search engine result page)

During the course, we will go step-by-step to understand the dynamics of search engine algorithm and all the SEO factors that go into the consideration of Google while ranking different web pages.

Each lecture is designed to provide information in the following sequence:

· Introduction of the concept with some examples

· Live implementation of each concept in WordPress

· When and how to use each concept in SEO

What you’ll learn in this course?

1. SEO training from basic to advanced level for websites based on WordPress

2. Detailed understanding of key SEO factors to reach the top spot in Google SERP

3. Robust ways to conduct keyword research to identify the most profitable keywords and phrases

4. Learn how to stay ahead in the online space using the strategic competitive analysis

5. How to submit web pages for prioritized crawling & indexing by Google and other search engines

6. Effective link building techniques to gain quality backlinks for your website

7. How to drive targeted traffic over the website using informational/transactional long-tail keywords

8. How to optimize content for voice-based search on Google

9. Conduct local SEO for targeting the potential users based in your local region

10. Global SEO to target users based in different parts of the world

SEO is like an investment that not only helps you in enhancing your skills but also in creating more avenues for your career. Here you’ll learn SEO techniques most pragmatically

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to master the world's oldest but popular Digital Marketing technique
  • Entrepreneurs & Selfpreneurs who want to leverage the power of the world's most advanced SEO techniques to gain the competitive advantage
  • Marketing professionals who want to use SEO for gaining an advantage over their competitors
  • Students who want to develop a set of professional digital marketing skills
  • Beginners and more advanced SEO users who want a closer look at how to rank on Google search engine result page through right set of SEO techniques
  • This course is NOT for you if you are not ready to take your online marketing and SEO seriously
  • If you have ANY website or blog that you want to rank on Google SERP, this course will give you the best tools and skills to succeed



  • SEO






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