CoDesignS: Learning Design in Practice

Learn how to design online/blended learning courses step-by-step. Real-Life Learning Design exercises & quizzes!

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CoDesignS: Learning Design in Practice

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to design online/blended learning programmes step-by-step. Learn Learning Design applying the Course Design Sprint Framework (CoDesignS) and create opportunities for you to enter the online/blended learning market.
  • You'll learn all of the features in CoDesignS that allow you to design and deliver pedagogically sound online/blended programmes.
  • Use CoDesignS to design and deliver online/blended programmes so you can Identify how best to deliver your learning outcomes/competencies in an online/blended fashion.
  • Distribute collaborative and self-directed activities effectively.
  • Implement effectively the use of learning technologies to support your learning designs.
  • Use the application of the CoDesignS framework as evidence for your HEA Fellowship application. UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) is a nationally-recognised framework for benchmarking success within Higher Education teaching and learning support.
  • You will be able to download the CoDesignS cards and start using them straightaway in your designs. They are freely available under the Creative Commons license CC-BY. Content is updated as new versions of CoDesignS are released.


Learn Learning Design through the Course Design Sprint Framework (CoDesignS) and create opportunities for you to enter the online/blended learning market.

You'll learn all of the features of CoDesignS that allow you to design and deliver pedagogically sound online/blended courses/programmes.

Use CoDesignS to design and deliver online/blended programmes So You Can:

  • Identify how best to deliver your learning outcomes/competencies in an online/blended fashion.

  • Distribute collaborative and self-directed activities effectively.

  • Implement effectively the use of learning technologies to support your learning designs.

  • Use the application of the CoDesignS framework as evidence for your HEA Fellowship application. UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)is a nationally-recognised framework for benchmarking success within Higher Education teaching and learning support.

Convert learning outcomes into effective Learning Designs using CoDesignS

Each section provides a new data set and exercises that will challenge you so you can learn by immediately applying what you're learning.

You will be able to download the CoDesignS cards and start using them straightaway in your designs.

Content is updated as new versions of CoDesignS are released.



  • Share — copy and redistribute the CoDesignS framework in any medium or format.

  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the framework.

  • The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.


  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Learning Design Bootcamp

This course is a pre-requisite for the Learning Design Bootcamp. The Learning Design Bootcamp provides an intensive four months programme for Learning Technologists and academics engaging in the design and development of a 15 or 30 credit module of their choice. The Learning Design Bootcamp was launched in 2019.

Who Should Attend!

  • You should take this course if you have a responsibility in the design, delivery or evaluation of training and education.
  • You should take this course if you know some Learning Design skills but want to get better.
  • You should take this course if your Learning Design skills are good and want to take your skills to the next level and truly leverage the full potential of Learning Design.
  • You should take this course if you are looking for an easy to apply but thorough pedagogic framework that can be repurpose and branded for your own organisation.
  • You should take this course if you are looking for a systematic way to move your face to face course into an online/blended format.



  • Instructional Design






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