CMA Part 1 Exam Support Package 2020 - 2024

Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics

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CMA Part 1 Exam Support Package 2020 - 2024

What You Will Learn!

  • External Financial Reporting
  • Budgeting Planning Strategy
  • Performance Management
  • Cost Management
  • Internal Controls and IT
  • Technology and Analytics


The Certified Management Accountant (CMA) certification is a globally recognized credential that signifies expertise in financial management and strategic management. The CMA program is divided into two parts, and Part 1 focuses on Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics. Here's a brief description of CMA Part 1:

1. External Financial Reporting Decisions

This section covers the basics of financial reporting, including the preparation of financial statements, recognition, measurement, valuation, and disclosure of specific items. The goal is to ensure candidates understand how financial reports are prepared and can interpret these reports accurately.

2. Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting

This area emphasizes the importance of strategic planning, budgeting processes, forecasting techniques, and budget methodologies. It teaches candidates how to prepare budgets, perform cost-volume-profit analysis, and apply various forecasting methods to aid in decision-making.

3. Performance Management

Candidates learn about different tools and techniques for managing and measuring performance. This includes understanding cost and variance measures, responsibility centers, reporting segments, and performance measures that align with organizational strategies.

4. Cost Management

This section delves into cost concepts, behaviors, and allocation. It covers topics such as overhead costs, job costing, process costing, activity-based costing, and operational efficiency strategies. The objective is to equip candidates with the knowledge to manage and control costs effectively.

5. Internal Controls

Understanding internal controls is crucial for managing risks and ensuring the integrity of financial information. This segment covers the types, components, and limitations of internal control systems. It also addresses corporate governance, internal audit, and system controls and security measures.

6. Technology and Analytics

This newly emphasized area reflects the growing importance of technology and data analytics in the accounting profession. It covers information systems, data governance, technology-enabled finance transformation, data analytics, and decision analysis tools. The focus is on equipping candidates with the skills to leverage technology and analytics in financial planning and decision-making.

CMA Part 1 is rigorous and requires a deep understanding of financial principles, strategic planning, and analytical skills. It's designed to prepare candidates for roles that require expertise in financial management and strategic decision-making within organizations. Achieving a CMA certification, starting with Part 1, can significantly enhance one's career prospects in the field of management accounting and finance.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students pursuing CMA USA certification




