Civil Rights Enforcement

An introduction to private civil rights investigations and enforcement processes.

Ratings 4.21 / 5.00
Civil Rights Enforcement

What You Will Learn!

  • An introduction to techniques and procedures for private civil rights investigations and enforcement.
  • An overview of civil rights laws that may be privately enforced by individuals and organizations.
  • Information about the network of attorneys, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies that assist with the investigation related to and enforcement of civil rights laws.
  • The basic elements of civil rights testing, or "secret shopping for civil rights," a controlled, covert type of investigation.
  • Basic guidelines for conducting private civil rights investigations and engaging in subsequent enforcement activity if unlawful discrimination is uncovered.


This course provides an introductory overview of investigative, administrative, and judicial processes involved in the private enforcement of civil rights laws in the United States. Lectures further introduce participants to the network of nonprofit organizations, law firms, administrative agencies, federal agencies, and courts that work together to advance civil rights through enforcement. This course is designed to provide information to participants interested, personally or professionally, in the protection of their own and others' civil rights. Participants will develop civil rights resource guides unique to their jurisdictions: guides to local, state, and federal civil rights protections and enforcement mechanisms. The primary objective of this course is for participants to complete it with a basic but firm grasp of how civil rights enforcement works, coupled with the desire to become involved in local and nationwide civil rights enforcement efforts.

Who Should Attend!

  • Civil rights professionals.
  • Potential victims of discriminatory business practices.
  • Attorneys with an interest in incorporating civil right enforcement into their business practices through self-monitoring and internal investigations.
  • Individuals and advocates.
  • Social workers, therapists, case workers, and anyone working with populations vulnerable to discrimination.
  • Anyone with an interest in promoting social justice and equality for all.



  • Investigation
  • Law Enforcement






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