CTMA Certified Transaction Monitoring Associate EXAM

Practice Questions for CTMA Foundation Part 2 of the CTMA Certification

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CTMA Certified Transaction Monitoring Associate EXAM

What You Will Learn!

  • Transaction Monitoring CTMA Prep 2


Random questions that go through the entire book that will ensure you are ready to pass the CTMA Exam. The Practice exams are designed to be scenario based much like the actual exam itself and cover all concepts so you will have no problems passing the exam. This particular exam covers part one out of two for the CTMA certification. The exam is not as hard as the ACAMS exam and its only 60 questions but like the ACAMs a pass mark of around 70% is required and like the acams the individual still needs to read the book and do practice exams to pass the exam.

The CTMA is ACAMS brand spanking new Certification and the premier designation for this industry bar none. Professionals with this qualification will be highly regarded and needed in the coming decade. Not just for Financial Institutions, many industries will implement this in the coming years. The exam covers topics on AML, Transaction Monitoring, KYC and Project Management with systems.

If you have any questions or queries or want to discuss issues related to the exam, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, or contact me via social media platforms which are listed in my profile.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students Enrolled in the CTMA Exam through ACAMS



  • Anti-Money Laundering






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