Email Etiquette-Do's and Don'ts

A Reflection of Your Professionalism

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Email Etiquette-Do's and Don'ts

What You Will Learn!

  • You will be able to tell how Business Emails are different from other emails and the importance of writing professional emails.
  • You will be able to describe the necessary Etiquette needed while writing Professional or Business Emails.
  • You will be able to practice the learnings from the course with the help of a practice quiz.


Are you a young entrepreneur starting out a fresh business idea and wondering how to begin writing business emails? Do you want to learn about the right etiquette necessary while writing business emails? Do you feel that writing business emails is the same thing as writing other emails? Well, then, this course is for you. Learn how to display a professional you with the help of your emails.

On completion of the course, you will be able to explain what are Business Emails or the importance of writing professional emails in business.

You will begin with how to greet professionally on emails, how to address the receiver, how much information you need to add to the body of an email, how to address two or more points of discussion in your email conversation, keeping the thread of an email or the related topic of discussion identifiable, and the other necessary email etiquette needs including how to sign off on an email.

You will go through what are the things to avoid so as to make your emails look professional or business like.

And, you will be able to practice what you have learnt with the help of a walk through of the course in the form of a quiz.

Business email is a reflection of your professionalism. It is time to display a professional you with Email Etiquette-Do's and Don'ts.

Who Should Attend!

  • This is a beginner level course which is best suited to all graduating, campus to corporate students, young professionals and business entrepreneurs.



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