Belly Dance for beginners

: The fundamental movement library

Ratings 5.00 / 5.00
Belly Dance for beginners

What You Will Learn!

  • Belly Dance isolations of movement
  • The anatomy of how the movements are created


If you've ever wanted to try out the beautiful art form of Belly Dance, but you've been too nervous to try out a group class or perhaps you just don't have a class nearby; then this is for you. Learn the basics, the foundations, the stuff you need to get your head around; in the comfort of your own home / space. There is no difficult confusing choreography in this course; it is aimed at complete beginners to give them a chance to really get these movements into their bodies.

When I first wanted to learn belly dance, I was 15yrs old... but it would be another 10 years before I set foot in a 'scary' classroom full of strangers. I went with a friend, who dropped out after only a few classes, but I was hooked. I was lucky; my first dance teacher was kind, patient and nurturing. I wish I hadn't waited so long to get started.... but it's scary being a beginner.

With this course I hope to enable the complete beginner to confidently take their first steps on their belly dance journey.

Almost every move in our dance form is created with these basic movements. If you can master these isolations and get them in your muscle memory (which can take some time so do be patient with yourself!) then you should feel confident either taking a real live class, or, moving on to more advanced online classes.

If you feel like you already have the basics under your dance belt; then this course can be used as a deeper dive into the anatomy used to create the movement, as dancers, drilling the basic movements is always a good thing to come back to.

Who Should Attend!

  • Budding dancers who are completely new to Belly dance
  • Belly dance students looking to deepen their knowledge of the basics



  • Belly Dancing






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