Holistic Health Practitioner - Becoming Shaman

An Internationally Accredited 8 week Spiritual Healer Program

Ratings 4.38 / 5.00
Holistic Health Practitioner - Becoming Shaman

What You Will Learn!

  • Herbal Medicine
  • Nutrition
  • The importance of Meditation
  • Quantum Healing: The science behind the woo-woo
  • Enhance intuition and psychic abilities
  • Shamanic Healing Energy(TM): An intuition based energy healing modality
  • Hypnosis and past life regression


A Holistic Practitioner is a modern day Shaman

We become our own shaman when we are in alignment with our Higher Self, when we are well versed in natural healing modalities and when we coach others to heal themselves.

This course is designed to lead you to the biggest answers to the biggest questions you have about yourself, your life's direction, and how to bring your specific healing gifts to the world with confidence.

In this eight week course we will cover these topics:

● What is a modern day shaman?

● Claim your Personal Power

● Meditation and Relaxation techniques

● Epigenetics and Quantum Healing

● Attracting the life you desire

● The Anatomy of Energy; Auras & Chakras

● Medical Intuition; ‘seeing’ inside the body

● Nutrition & Herbal Medicine

● What are your Spiritual Gifts?

● Mediumship; gleaning info from the Other Side

● Past Life Regression and Hypnosis

● Facilitating Shamanic Healing Energy(TM)

● Ceremony & Celebration in our modern world

This is a comprehensive program designed to bring you from an ordinary worldly existence, to an enhanced, multi-faceted life. One in which you will feel confident in your healing abilities and in your ability to enhance the lives you touch.

Whether you are a natural healer, teacher, therapist, minister, or maybe you're simply interested in self improvement, every person completing this course will use their newly acquired skills to improve the lives of others.

There are exercises and assignments throughout this course.

This course is accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH), and students who complete  Holistic Health Practitioner - Becoming Shaman will be certified and recognized as an expert in the field of holistic health.

Letters from students:

"There is so much information packed into this course! I don't know why she gives so much away! I've taken 'all the courses' and this one, by far, has the most value!"

Michelle M.

"I didn’t have any idea once I started your class how much it would resonate with me. The weeks built on each other, and the assignments were on target with manifesting desired results. The lectures were practical and down to earth. It really is easy to see results IF you meditate daily and clear your chakras. As I continued in the lessons, it became a “guilty pleasure” to dive in each week.

Becoming my own shaman has helped me to figure out who I am! I feel like it has brought me home to me."

Cathy R.

"Being able to treat myself, my young daughters, my husband, friends and even clients with natural remedies has been an incredible blessing and I am going to be pursuing becoming a herbalist as well in the future as you have truly inspired me."

Rebeka-Lynn M

"This course has told me a lot about myself and reconfirmed some of the things that I must continue to Be, Know, and Do. Your goal has been accomplished I enjoyed this course and your guidance and mentorship. Your course is well laid out. The training manual to me is just like our military Standing Operation Procedure (SOP), meaning that if you are not on location with me I can still accomplish my mission. I learned a lot from the videos and your training manual. The things you covered in both the video and the manual such as how to present yourself and the consideration of your client such as not wearing strong scents, and getting their permission when using sage/anointing oils to make them aware of the purpose of usage. The manual along with all of its reference’s and protocol is a must have…I’m saying this because it never leaves you in the blind…it also shows your love and caring about taking care of people and a true shaman quest."

Patrick W.

*I, Bonnie M. Russell, make no claims, promises or guarantees, and am neither diagnosing nor treating specific health issues or challenges. Anything I say or write should be understood as my own opinion and not an expression of professional advice or prescription. You are entirely responsible for how you choose to understand, misunderstand, use or misuse any of my writings or communications.

This is NOT a course about shamanism. Rather, it is the culmination of all the wisdom I've gleaned from my studies of world religions and indigenous practices around the world and how to apply that wisdom in today's world.

Who Should Attend!

  • Empaths
  • Holistic Practitioners
  • Spiritual Seekers of all backgrounds
  • Energy Healers
  • Life Coaches



  • Energy Healing
  • Mindfulness






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