How to light: Beauty Headshot Photography

Get the high-end beauty look with a simple 1 or 2 light setup.

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How to light: Beauty Headshot Photography

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand ideal light placement, camera settings, and other techniques to achieve the high end beauty look
  • Create high end beauty shots or portraits using 1 or two lights
  • Perform minor edits to finish out an image


****Price Will Increase with the New Year****

Mark Richardson walks you through the classic high end beauty headshot setup. Learn about what gear to use, how to position lights, and how to edit the final image. This popular setup is versatile and great for portraits or headshots for both men, women, and children subjects.

Good lighting makes good photography. One of the quickest ways to improve your photography is to learn to control light. 

Many photographers fear that getting intro flash photography will be too expensive or two confusing. Many insist on making large investments on nicer lenses or cameras, when they could get better results with a small investment in a flash or two.

This look can be achieved with a single light and then refined by adding an optional second light, or even a third.

By the end of this course you will be able to reproduce this same high end fashion/beauty headshot portrait look and have confidence placing your flashes, taking the images, and retouching in lightroom and photoshop.

Who Should Attend!

  • Photographers interested in using flash to create beauty headshots and portraits



  • Beauty
  • Photography






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